
defmodule Coherence do
  @moduledoc """
  Coherence is a full featured, configurable authentication and user
  management system for Phoenix, providing a number of optional features
  configured with a installation mix task:

  * Database Authenticatable: handles hashing and storing an encrypted password in the database.
  * Invitable: sends invites to new users with a sign-up link, allowing the user to create their account with their own password.
  * Registerable: allows anonymous users to register a users email address and password.
  * Confirmable: new accounts require clicking a link in a confirmation email.
  * Recoverable: provides a link to generate a password reset link with token expiry.
  * Trackable: saves login statics like login counts, timestamps, and IP address for each user.
  * Lockable: locks an account when a specified number of failed sign-in attempts has been exceeded.
  * Unlockable With Token: provides a link to send yourself an unlock email.
  * Rememberable: provides persistent login with 'Remember me?' check box on login page.

  See the [README](readme.html) file for an overview, installation, and
  setup instructions.

  ### Authenticatable

  Handles hashing and storing an encrypted password in the database.

  Provides `/sessions/new` and `/sessions/delete` routes for logging in and out with
  the appropriate templates and view.

  The following columns are added the `<timestamp>_add_coherence_to_user.exs` migration:

  * :password_hash, :string - the encrypted password

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        password_hash_field: :password_hash    # you must recompile Coherence after changing this

  ### Invitable

  Handles sending invites to new users with a sign-up link, allowing the user to create their account with their own password.

  Provides `/invitations/new` and `invitations/edit` routes for creating a new invitation and creating a new account from the invite email.

  These routes can be configured to require login by using the `coherence_routes :protected` macro in your router.exs file.

  Invitation token timeout will be added in the future.

  The following table is created by the generated `<timestamp>_create_coherence_invitable.exs` migration:

      create table(:invitations) do
        add :name, :string
        add :email, :string
        add :token, :string

  ### Registerable

  Allows anonymous users to register a users email address and password.

  Provides `/registrations/new` and `/registrations/create` routes for creating a new registration.

  Adds a `Register New Account` to the log-in page.

  It is recommended that the :confirmable option is used with :registerable to
  ensure a valid email address is captured.

  ### Confirmable

  Requires a new account be conformed. During registration, a confirmation token is generated and sent to the registering email. This link must be clicked before the user can sign-in.

  Provides `edit` action for the `/confirmations` route.

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        confirmation_token_expire_days: 5,
        allow_unconfirmed_access_for: 0       # number of days. 0 to disable

  ### Recoverable

  Allows users to reset their password using an expiring token send by email.

  Provides `new`, `create`, `edit`, `update` actions for the `/passwords` route.

  Adds a "Forgot your password?" link to the log-in form. When clicked, the user provides their email address and if found, sends a reset password instructions email with a reset link.

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        reset_token_expire_days: 2

  ### Trackable

  Saves login statics like login counts, timestamps, and IP address for each user.

  Adds the following database field to your User model with the generated migration:

      add :sign_in_count, :integer, default: 0  # how many times the user has logged in
      add :current_sign_in_at, :datetime        # the current login timestamp
      add :last_sign_in_at, :datetime           # the timestamp of the previous login
      add :current_sign_in_ip, :string          # the current login IP adddress
      add :last_sign_in_ip, :string             # the IP address of the previous login

  ### Lockable

  Locks an account when a specified number of failed sign-in attempts has been exceeded.

  The following defaults can be changed with the following config entries:

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        unlock_timeout_minutes: 5,
        max_failed_login_attempts: 5

  Adds the following database field to your User model with the generated migration:

      add :failed_attempts, :integer, default: 0
      add :unlock_token, :string
      add :locked_at, :datetime

  ### Unlockable with Token

  Provides a link to send yourself an unlock email. When the user clicks the link, the user is presented a form to enter their email address and password. If the token has not expired and the email and password are valid, a unlock email is sent to the user's email address with an expiring token.

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        unlock_token_expire_minutes: 5

  ### Remember Me

  The `rememberable` option provides persistent login when the 'Remember Me?' box is checked during login.

  With this feature, you will automatically be logged in from the same browser when your current login session dies using a configurable expiring persistent cookie.

  For security, both a token and series number stored in the cookie on initial login. Each new creates a new token, but preserves the series number, providing protection against fraud. As well, both the token and series numbers are hashed before saving them to the database, providing protection if the database is compromised.

  The following options can be customized (default shown):

      config :coherence,
        rememberable_cookie_expire_hours: 2*24,
        login_cookie: "coherence_login"

  The following table is created by the generated `<timestamp>_create_coherence_rememberable.exs` migration:

      create table(:rememberables) do
        add :series_hash, :string
        add :token_hash, :string
        add :token_created_at, :datetime
        add :user_id, references(:users, on_delete: :delete_all)

      create index(:rememberables, [:user_id])
      create index(:rememberables, [:series_hash])
      create index(:rememberables, [:token_hash])
      create unique_index(:rememberables, [:user_id, :series_hash, :token_hash])

  The `--rememberable` install option is not provided in any of the installer group options. You must provide the `--rememberable` option to install the migration and its support.

  ## Mix Tasks

  Backwords compatibility note: For versions of Phoenix previous to 1.3 use `mix coherence.<command>`. The new `mix coh.<command>` better understands the newer Phoenix patterns.

  ### Installer

  The following examples illustrate various configuration scenarios for the install mix task:

      # Install with only the `authenticatable` option
      $ mix coh.install

      # Install all the options except `confirmable` and `invitable`
      $ mix coh.install --full

      # Install all the options except `invitable`
      $ mix coh.install --full-confirmable

      # Install all the options except `confirmable`
      $ mix coh.install --full-invitable

      # Install the `full` options except `lockable` and `trackable`
      $ mix coh.install --full --no-lockable --no-trackable

  And some reinstall examples:

      # Reinstall with defaults (--silent --no-migrations --no-config --confirm-once)
      $ mix coh.install --reinstall

      # Confirm to overwrite files, show instructions, and generate migrations
      $ mix coh.install --reinstall --no-confirm-once --with-migrations

  Run `$ mix help coh.install` for more information.

  ### Clean

  The following examples illustrate how to remove the files created by the installer:

      # Clean all the installed files
      $ mix coh.clean --all

      # Clean only the installed view and template files
      $ mix coh.clean --views --templates

      # Clean all but the models
      $ mix coh.clean --all --no-models

      # Prompt once to confirm the removal
      $ mix coh.clean --all --confirm-once

  After installation, if you later want to remove one more options, here are a couple examples:

      # Clean one option
      $ mix coh.clean --options=recoverable

      # Clean several options without confirmation
      $ mix coh.clicked --no-confirm --options="recoverable unlockable-with-token"

      # Test the uninstaller without removing files
      $ mix coh.clicked --dry-run --options="recoverable unlockable-with-token"

  Run `$ mix help coh.install` or `$ mix help coherence.install` for more information.
  use Application

  alias Coherence.{Config, Messages}

  @doc false
  def start(_type, _args) do

  @doc """
  Get the currently logged in user data.
  def current_user(conn), do: conn.assigns[Config.assigns_key()]

  @doc """
  Updates the user login data in the current sessions.

  Other sessions belonging to the same user won't be updated.
  Requires access to the `conn`, which means it can't be called outside of the context of a conn.
  To update all session belonging to the user see `update_user_login/1`.
  def update_user_login(conn, user) do
      [conn, user, [id_key: Config.schema_key()]]

  @doc """
  Updates the user login data in all the sessions belonging to the user.

  All sessions belonging to the same user will be updated.
  Doesn't need access to the `conn`, which means it can be called anywhere.
  To update only the current session see `update_user_login/2`
  def update_user_logins(user) do
    # Handle a user's DBStore

  @doc """
  Get the currently logged in user name.
  def current_user_name(conn, field \\ :name) do
    (current_user(conn) || %{}) |> Map.get(field)

  @doc """
  Get the currently assigned user_token
  def user_token(conn), do: conn.assigns[Config.token_assigns_key()]

  @doc """
  Verify a user token for channel authentication.
  def verify_user_token(socket, token, assign_fun) do
    result =
      case Config.verify_user_token() do
        fun when is_function(fun) ->
          fun.(socket, token)

        {mod, fun, args} ->
          apply(mod, fun, args)

        error ->
             user_token: Config.verify_user_token(),
             error: error

    case result do
      {:ok, user_id} -> {:ok, assign_fun.(socket, :user_id, user_id)}
      error -> error

  @doc """
  Check if user is logged in.
  def logged_in?(conn), do: !!current_user(conn)