# Coldstrap

[Bootstrap]( elements for the [Nitrogen Web Framework](

### Note about elements

The vast majority of the Coldstrap elements are copies of their respective
Nitrogen analogs with a few additional attributes. I will show which are which.

### Note about compatibility

Coldstrap depends on the [rekt]( parse
transform and uses the typespecs, which only works with the `merl` library
(which was added to OTP in Erlang 18).  If you're trying to use Coldstrap with
a version of Erlang older than Erlang 18.0, you'll want to add
[merl]( to your rebar dependencies.

## Elements

To see the elements, check out
to see which elements are added, and are extended versions of Nitrogen analogs.

## Functions

### modal

Opens a bootstrap [modal]( window.

* `coldstrap:modal(Body)`
* `coldstrap:modal(Title, Body)`
* `coldstrap:modal(Title, Body, Footer)`
* `coldstrap:modal(Title, Body, Footer, Options)`

**Note:** `Options` is a proplist analog to the options presented in the
[Bootstrap Modal Docs](

### confirm

A special modal window specifically for submitting things and providing buttons

**Note:** Below, the `Buttons` argument is expected to be a list of tuples, any
of the following are acceptable:

1. `{ButtonText, Postback}`
2. `{ButtonText, PostbackDelegate, Postback}`
3. Any valid Nitrogen element (e.g. `#btn{}`)

#### The confirm functions

* `coldstrap:confirm(Body)`
* `coldstrap:confirm(Body, CloseText)`
* `coldstrap:confirm(Body, Buttons, CloseText)`
* `coldstrap:confirm(Title, Body, Buttons, CloseText)`

#### Example:

User = "Chops",
Title = "Delete User",
Body = ["Really delete the user named ",#em{text=User},"?"],
Buttons = [
	{"Yes, Delete", {delete, User}},
	{"No, Don't Delete, but Disable Account", {disable, User}}
CloseText = "No, Do not Delete",
coldstrap:confirm(Title, Body, Buttons, CloseText).

### close_modal

* `coldstrap:close_modal()`

## Licence

Copyright 2016-2017 Jesse Gumm

MIT License