# [Collatz]( [Gleam]( 💖⭐💖
<p align="center"><img alt="Banner Image, Collatz Coral" src="" width=830 height=666/></p>
<sub><p align="center"><i>
  <a href="">Colourised Collatz Coral</a>; derived from this
  <a href="">original by Edmund Harriss</a>

Functions related to [the Collatz/Syracuse/3N+1 problem](, implemented in [Gleam](
## Badges
[![Package Version](](
[![Hex Docs](](
## Getting Started
[To install the latest from Hex]( ([or as it appears on gleam packages](;
gleam add collatz
## Usage
Provides the basic functionality to interact with the Collatz conjecture.
The parameterisation uses the same `(P,a,b)` notation as Conway's generalisations.
Besides the function and reverse function, there is also functionality to retrieve the hailstone sequence, the "stopping time"/"total stopping time", or tree-graph. 
The only restriction placed on parameters is that both `P` and `a` can't be `0`.
### Usage Example
import collatz

pub fn main() {
  // TODO: An example of the project in use
## [<lang-docs-name> generated docs](
## [HexDocs](
## Developing
### The first time setup
git clone && cd Collatz/gleam && <localised-setup-command>
### Iterative development
gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell