# Comeonin [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/elixircnx/comeonin.svg?branch=master "Build Status")](https://travis-ci.org/elixircnx/comeonin) [![Hex.pm Version](http://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/comeonin.svg)](https://hex.pm/packages/comeonin)
Password hashing (bcrypt, pbkdf2_sha512) library for Elixir.
This library is intended to make it very straightforward for developers
to check users' passwords in as secure a manner as possible.
Comeonin now supports `bcrypt` and `pbkdf2_sha512`.
## Features
* Comeonin uses the most secure, up-to-date hashing schemes.
* It is easy to use.
* There are several convenience functions to make checking passwords easier.
* Salts are generated by default.
* Each function has sensible, secure defaults.
* It provides excellent documentation.
* Clear instructions are given on how to use Comeonin.
* Several recommendations are also given to help developers keep their apps secure.
## Installation
1. Add comeonin to your `mix.exs` dependencies
defp deps do
[ {:comeonin, "~> 0.5"} ]
2. List `:comeonin` as an application dependency
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :comeonin]]
3. Run `mix do deps.get, compile`
## Usage
Either import or alias the algorithm you want to use -- either `Comeonin.Bcrypt`
or `Comeonin.Pbkdf2`.
Both algorithms use similar naming conventions so as to make it easy to switch
between them. Both have the `hashpwsalt` function, which is a convenience
function that automatically generates a salt and then hashes the password.
To hash a password with the default options:
hash = hashpwsalt("difficult2guess")
See each module's documentation for more information about
all the available options.
To check a password against the stored hash, use the `checkpw`
function. This takes two arguments: the plaintext password and
the stored hash:
checkpw(password, stored_hash)
There is also a `dummy_checkpw` function, which takes no arguments
and is to be used when the username cannot be found. It performs a hash,
but then returns false. This can be used to make user enumeration more
## Documentation
## Requirements
OTP version 17.0 or later
For users of Ubuntu, or any other Debian-based distro, we recommend downloading
erlang from [erlang solutions](https://www.erlang-solutions.com/downloads/download-erlang-otp),
as the version of erlang in the repositories is usually quite old.
## Status
The bcrypt implementation is based on the latest OpenBSD version, which
fixed a small issue that affected some passwords longer than 72 characters.
It has been thoroughly tested in a development environment, but it has
not had much testing in production.
Comeonin has been tested on Linux, OS X and FreeBSD, but it has not been tested
on Windows. If you have any problems with the build, please let us know.
## License
BSD. For full details, please read the LICENSE file.