# Comeonin
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Comeonin is a specification for password hashing libraries.
## News
Comeonin has been updated to version 5.
In this version, Comeonin now provides two behaviours, Comeonin and
Comeonin.PasswordHash, which password hash libraries then implement.
See the UPGRADE_v5.md file for information about you can upgrade to
version 5.
## Password hashing algorithms
We recommend you use one of the following password hashing libraries.
* Argon2 - [argon2_elixir](http://hexdocs.pm/argon2_elixir)
* Bcrypt - [bcrypt_elixir](http://hexdocs.pm/bcrypt_elixir)
* Pbkdf2 - [pbkdf2_elixir](http://hexdocs.pm/pbkdf2_elixir)
Argon2 is considered to be the strongest password hashing algorithm,
but Bcrypt and Pbkdf2 are viable alternatives. For more information, see
[Choosing an algorithm](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki/Choosing-the-password-hashing-algorithm).
## Comeonin wiki
See the [Comeonin wiki](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki) for more
information on the following topics:
* [algorithms](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki/Choosing-the-password-hashing-algorithm)
* [requirements](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki/Requirements)
* [deployment](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki/Deployment)
* including information about using Docker
* [references](https://github.com/riverrun/comeonin/wiki/References)
## Contributing
There are many ways you can contribute to the development of Comeonin, including:
* reporting issues
* improving documentation
* sharing your experiences with others
* [making a financial contribution](#donations)
## Donations
This software is offered free of charge, but if you find it useful
and you would like to buy me a cup of coffee, you can do so through
### Documentation
### License
BSD. For full details, please read the LICENSE file.