# CommandK
Command+K implementation for Phoenix LiveView.
[![Command+K demo gif](https://i.gyazo.com/49dace9b8453625bd27ee9224d8011f5.gif)](https://gyazo.com/49dace9b8453625bd27ee9224d8011f5)
## Installation
Install by adding `command_k` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:command_k, "~> 0.1.0"}
View additional documentation at <https://hexdocs.pm/command_k>.
## Getting Started
CommandK includes an easy install task to bootstrap your app code:
mix command_k.init
* creating lib/my_app_web/commands.ex
* injecting lib/my_app_web/components/core_components.ex
This task will provide your app with a boilerplate command handler module
in `my_app_web/commands.ex`, and extend your existing `core_components.ex` file
to include a baseline command palette component implementation.
Once you have these, configure CommandK by specifying them in the `live_view` section
in your web module:
def live_view do
quote do
use Phoenix.LiveView,
layout: {MyAppWeb.Layouts, :app}
use CommandK,
handler: MyAppWeb.Commands,
component: &MyAppWeb.CoreComponents.command_k_palette/1
Lastly, we need to make an adjustment to our client side code in `assets/app.js` in
order for our LiveView application to detect meta key presses (holding "command"):
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken},
metadata: {
keydown: (e, el) => {
return {
key: e.key,
metaKey: e.metaKey,
repeat: e.repeat
You may refer to the documentation on Key Events for more information as to why
we need to do this: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/bindings.html#key-events
## Usage
To render a `CommandK.LiveComponent`, add the following live component to your app layout template:
The assigns `@command_k`, `@command_k_show`, and `@command_k_context` are automatically
injected by the library. This live component will render using the function component that was
previously specified in your web module.
You can tell CommandK to open the palette manually by calling `CommandK.open()`:
<.button class="absolute right-4 bottom-4" phx-click={CommandK.open()}>
See the `CommandK` module for more information.
TODO: Add code documentation, expand on usage section here.