# Changelog

## v1.4.3

### Enhancements

- Use `Logger.warning` to fix deprecation warnings ([#542](
- Add typespec to `CompositeRouter.dispatch/2` function ([#536](
- Support `opts` in `Commanded.EventStore.append_to_stream` function ([#528](
- Process manager metadata access ([#514](

### Bug fixes

-  Correct parameter type in `ProcessManager.after_command/1` callback function ([#533](

## v1.4.2

- Record aggregate state while processing `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi` ([#507](
- Properly handle EXIT signal in event handler ([#512](
- Separate logging a process managers error ([#513](

## v1.4.1

### Enhancements

- Retry command execution when the aggregate process is down ([#494](

### Bug fixes

- Remove duplicate apply function call when receiving missed events published to an aggregate's event stream ([364c877](
- Fix typespec typo in Commanded.Application ([#503](

## v1.4.0

### Enhancements

- Allow a process manager to stop after dispatching a command ([#460](
- Replace `use Mix.Config` with `import Config` in config files ([#467](
- Event handler concurrency ([#486](
- Remove `elixir_uuid` dependency ([#493](
- Support and test for OTP 25 ([#489](


## v1.3.1

### Bug fixes

- Event Handler not calling `init/1` callback function on restart ([#463](
- Call process manager `init/1` function on process restart ([#464](

## v1.3.0

### Enhancements

- Allow command identity to be provided during dispatch ([#406](
- Define `Commanded.Telemetry` module to emit consistent telemetry events ([#414](
- Telemetry `[:commanded, :aggregate, :execute]` events ([#407](
- Telemetry `[:commanded, :event, :handle]` events ([#408](
- Telemetry `[:commanded, :process_manager, :handle]` events ([#418](
- Telemetry `[:commanded, :application, :dispatch]` ([#423](
- Graceful shutdown of event handlers ([#431](
- Ensure command dispatch metadata is a map ([#432](
- Retry command execution on node down ([#429](
- Dispatch returning resultant events ([#444](
- Get aggregate state ([#448](
- Support telemetry v1.0 ([#456](

## v1.2.0

### Enhancements

- Add `init/1` callback function to event handlers and process managers ([#393](
- Include `application` and `handler_name` as additional event handler metadata ([#396](
- Allow `GenServer` start options to be provided when starting event handlers and process managers ([#398](
- Add `hibernate_after` option to application config ([#399](
- Add support for providing adapter-specific event store subscription options ([#391](
- Support custom state for event handlers ([#400](
- Allow event handlers and process manager `error` callback to return failure context struct ([#397](
- Allow a before execute function to be defined which is called with the command dispatch execution context and aggregate state before ([#402](

### Bug fixes

- Allow process manager `error/3` callback to return `:skip` for failed commands, not just failed events ([#362](


## v1.1.1

### Enhancements

- Capture exception on Process Manager `apply/2` and call `error/3` callback functions ([#380](
- Include metadata in upcaster protocol ([#389](

### Bug fixes

- Fix `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi.execute/2` calls which return ` Multi` struct ([#385](])).

## v1.1.0

### Enhancements

- Dynamic Commanded applications ([#324](
- Log and ignore unexpected messages received by event handlers and process manager instances ([#333](
- Process manager `identity/0` function ([#334](
- Extend `Commanded.AggregateCase` ExUnit case template to support `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi`.
- Allow `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi` to return events as `:ok` tagged tuples.
- Run the formatter in CI ([#341](
- Add stacktraces to EventHandler error logging ([#340](
- `refute_receive_event/4` only tests newly created events ([#347](
- Allow Commanded Application name to be set dynamically in middleware ([#352](
- Remove router module compile-time checking ([#363](
- Reduce memory consumption during aggregate state rebuild ([#368](
- Upgrade to `phoenix_pubsub` to 2.0 ([#365](
- Ignore `:not_found` error when resetting InMemory event store ([#354](
- Add `router/1` to `locals_without_parens` in Mix format config ([#351](
- Include stacktrace in event handler and process manager `error` callback functions ([#342](
- Call event handler's `error/3` callback function when `handle/2` function returns an invalid value ([#372](

### Bug fixes

- Fixes the typespec for command dispatch ([#325](
- Process manager stops if `interested?/1` returns an empty list ([#335](


## v1.0.1

### Enhancements

- Global registry using Erlang's `:global` module ([#344](
- Command dispatch return ([#331](

### Bug fixes

- Fix distributed subscription registration bug ([#345](
- Retry event handler and process manager subscriptions on error ([#348](

## v1.0.0

### Breaking changes

- Support multiple Commanded apps ([#298](

### Enhancements

- Define adapter behaviour modules for event store, pubsub, and registry ([#311](
- Add `AggregateCase` ExUnit case template to support aggregate unit testing ([#315](
- Application config lookup ([#318](

### Bug fixes

- Fix process manager exception on start ([#307](
- Fix commanded aggregate race ([#308](
- Fix Dialyzer warnings and include in Travis CI ([#317](

### Upgrading

[Follow the upgrade guide]( to define and use your own Commanded application.


## v0.19.1

### Enhancements

- Reset event handler mix task `mix commanded.reset MyApp.Handler` ([#293](

### Bug fixes

- Fix regression in `` ([#295](

## v0.19.0

### Enhancements

- Update typespec for `data` and `metadata` fields in `Commanded.EventStore.EventData` struct ([#246](
- Add `include_execution_result` and `aggregate_version` to typespec for router command dispatch ([#262](
- Add `.formatter.exs` to Hex package ([#247](
- Event upcasting ([#263](
- Support `:ok` tagged tuple events from aggregate ([#268](
- Modify `Commanded.Registration.start_child` to pass a child_spec ([#273](
- Add `supervisor_child_spec/2` to `Commanded.Registration` behaviour ([#277]( used by [Commanded Horde Registry](
- Ensure Commanded can be compiled when optional Jason dependency is not present ([#286](
- Fix Aggregate initialization races ([#287](
- Support `{:system, varname}` format in Phoenix PubSub config ([#291](

### Breaking changes

- Use `DateTime` instead of `NaiveDateTime` for all datetimes ([#254](

    This affects the `created_at` field defined in the `Commanded.EventStore.RecordedEvent`. You will need to migrate from `NaiveDateTime` to `DateTime` if you use this field in your code (such as in an event handler's metadata).


## v0.18.1

### Enhancements

- Process manager idle process timeout ([#290](
- Register event handler and process manager subscriptions on process start ([#272](

## v0.18.0

### Enhancements

- Rename `uuid` dependency to `elixir_uuid` ([#178](
- Allow aggregate identity to be of any type that implements the `String.Chars` protocol ([#166](
- Process manager and event handler error & exception handling ([#192](
- Process manager event handling timeout ([#193](
- Allow event handlers to subscribe to individual streams ([#203](
- Add new values for `expected_version` for event store append events behaviour ([#127](
- Export `Commanded.Commands.Router` macros in `.formatter.exs` file ([#204](
- Generate specs and docs for Router dispatch functions only once ([#206](
- Allow two-arity predicate function in `wait_for_event` receiving both event data and recorded event struct ([#213](
- Allow `:infinity` timeout on command dispatch ([#227](
- Strict process manager routing ([#243](
- Allow `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi` to be nested ([#244](
- Add `child_spec/0` function to `Commanded.EventStore` behaviour.
- Add `delete_subscription/2` to `Commanded.EventStore` behaviour ([#245](
- Add `refute_receive_event/2` to `Commanded.Assertions.EventAssertions` test helpers.

### Bug fixes

- Fix typo in `include_execution_result` global router option ([#216](
- Handle the `{:ok, _}` tuple dispatch result in process manager command dispatch ([#236](
- Allow string keys for `Commanded.Middleware.Pipeline.assign_metadata/3`, atoms are being deprecated ([#228](
- Fix `Commanded.PubSub.subscribe` typespec ([#222](

### Breaking changes

- Migrate to [Jason]( for JSON serialization ([#234](

  You will need to add Jason as a dependency in `mix.exs`:

  defp deps do
    [{:jason, "~> 1.2"}]

  Jason has _no support_ for encoding arbitrary structs - explicit implementation of the `Jason.Encoder` protocol is always required. You *must* update all your domain event modules, aggregate state (when using state snapshotting), and process manager state to include `@derive Jason.Encoder` as shown below:

  defmodule AnEvent do
    @derive Jason.Encoder
    defstruct [:field]

- Extend aggregate lifespan behaviour to include `after_error/1` and `after_command/1` callbacks ([#210](

  Previously you only had to define an `after_event/1` callback function to implement the `Commanded.Aggregates.AggregateLifespan` behaviour:

  defmodule BankAccountLifespan do
    @behaviour Commanded.Aggregates.AggregateLifespan

    def after_event(%BankAccountClosed{}), do: :stop
    def after_event(_event), do: :infinity

  Now you must also define `after_command/1` and `after_error/1` callback functions:

  defmodule BankAccountLifespan do
    @behaviour Commanded.Aggregates.AggregateLifespan

    def after_event(%BankAccountClosed{}), do: :stop
    def after_event(_event), do: :infinity

    def after_command(%CloseAccount{}), do: :stop
    def after_command(_command), do: :infinity

    def after_error(:invalid_initial_balance), do: :stop
    def after_error(_error), do: :stop

### Upgrading

Please ensure you upgrade the following event store dependencies.

Using the Elixir [EventStore](

- `eventstore` to [v0.16.0](
- `commanded_eventstore_adapter` to [v0.5.0](

Using [EventStoreDB](

- `commanded_extreme_adapter` to [v0.6.0](

Commanded Ecto projections:

- `commanded_ecto_projections` to [v0.8.0](

Commanded scheduler:

- `commanded_scheduler` to [v0.2.0](


## v0.17.5

### Enhancements

- Process manager idle process timeout ([#290](

## v0.17.4

### Bug fixes

- Register event handler and process manager subscriptions on process start ([#272](

## v0.17.3

### Bug fixes

- Fix snapshot recording ([#196](
- Fixed warning about deprecated time unit in elixir 1.8 ([#239](

## v0.17.2

### Enhancements

- Remove default `error/4` callback function from process manager to silence deprecation warning.

## v0.17.1

### Enhancements

- Support `Phoenix.PubSub` v1.1.0.

### Bug fixes

- Set default aggregate lifespan timeout to `:infinity` ([#200](

## v0.17.0

### Enhancements

- Ability to globally override `include_execution_result` and `include_aggregate_version` in environment config ([#168](
- Handle custom type serialization in snapshot source type ([#165](
- Fix compiler warnings in generated code (routers, event handlers, and process managers).
- Add `InMemory.reset!/0` for testing purposes ([#175](

### Bug fixes

- Ensure process managers can be configured with `:strong` consistency.
- Fix error when subscription process already tracked ([#180](


## v0.16.0

- Support composite command routers ([#111](
- Aggregate state snapshots ([#121](
- New `error/3` callback for process manager and deprecated `error/4` ([#124](
- Router support for identity prefix function.
- Retry command execution on concurrency error ([#132](
- Event handler `error/3` callback ([#133](
- Support distributed dispatch consistency ([#135](
- Defer event handler and process router init until after subscribed ([#138](
- Replace aggregate lifespan `after_command/1` callback with `after_event/1` ([#139](
- Support process manager routing to multiple instances ([#141](
- Allow a default consistency to be set via the application env ([#150](
- Command dispatch consistency using explicit handler names ([#161](

### Breaking changes

- The `Commanded.Aggregates.AggregateLifespan` behaviour has been changed from `after_command/1` to `after_event/1`. You will need to update your own lifespan modules to use events instead of commands to shutdown an aggregate process after an inactivity timeout.

### Upgrading

Please ensure you upgrade the following event store dependencies.

Using the Elixir [EventStore](

- `eventstore` to [v0.14.0](
- `commanded_eventstore_adapter` to [v0.4.0](

Using [EventStoreDB](

- `commanded_extreme_adapter` to [v0.5.0](


## v0.15.1

### Bug fixes

- Event handler `child_spec/1` must include config options defined by use macro.

## v0.15.0

### Enhancements

- Process manager command dispatch error handling ([#93](
- Event handlers may define an `init/0` callback function to start any related processes. It must return `:ok`, otherwise the handler process will be stopped.
- Add `include_execution_result` option to command dispatch ([#96](
- Add `Commanded.Aggregate.Multi` ([#98]( as a way to return multiple events from a command dispatch that require aggregate state to be updated after each event.
- Correlation and causation ids ([#105](
- Initial support for running on a cluster of nodes ([#80](

### Bug fixes

- Adding a prefix to the aggregate in the router breaks the strong consistency of command dispatch ([#101](

### Upgrading

Please ensure you upgrade the following event store dependencies.

Using the Elixir [EventStore](

- `eventstore` to [v0.13.0](
- `commanded_eventstore_adapter` to [v0.3.0](

Using [EventStoreDB](

- `commanded_extreme_adapter` to [v0.4.0](


## v0.14.0

### Enhancements

- Dispatch command with `:eventual` or `:strong` consistency guarantee ([#82](
- Additional stream prefix per aggregate ([#77](
- Include custom metadata during command dispatch ([#61](
- Validate command dispatch registration in router ([59](

### Upgrading

Please ensure you upgrade the following event store dependencies.

Using the Elixir [EventStore](

- `eventstore` to [v0.11.0](
- `commanded_eventstore_adapter` to [v0.2.0](

Using [EventStoreDB](

- `commanded_extreme_adapter` to [v0.3.0](


## v0.13.0

### Enhancements

- Command dispatch optionally returns aggregate version, using `include_aggregate_version: true` during dispatch.


## v0.12.0

### Enhancements

- `Commanded.Event.Handler` and `Commanded.ProcessManagers.ProcessManager` macros to simplify defining, and starting, event handlers and process managers. Note the previous approach to defining and starting may still be used, so this is *not* a breaking change.


## v0.11.0

### Enhancements

- Shutdown idle aggregate processes ([#43](


## v0.10.0

### Enhancements

- Extract event store integration to a behaviour (`Commanded.EventStore`). This defines the contract to be implemented by an event store adapter. It allows additional event store databases to be used with Commanded.

  By default, a `GenServer` in-memory event store adapter is used. This should **only be used for testing** as there is no persistence.

  The existing PostgreSQL-based [eventstore]( integration has been extracted as a separate package ([commanded_eventstore_adapter]( There is also a new adapter for Greg Young's Event Store using the Extreme library ([commanded_extreme_adapter](

  You must install the required event store adapter package and update your environment configuration to specify the `:event_store_adapter` module. See the [README]( for details.


## v0.9.0

### Enhancements

- Stream events from event store when rebuilding aggregate state.


## v0.8.5

### Enhancements

- Upgrade to Elixir 1.4 and remove compiler warnings.

## v0.8.4

### Enhancements

- Event handler and process manager subscriptions should be created from a given stream position ([#14](
- Stop process manager instance after reaching its final state ([#24](

## v0.8.3

### Enhancements

- Middleware `after_failure` callback is executed even when a middleware halts execution.

## v0.8.2

### Bug fixes

- JsonSerializer should ensure event type atom exists when deserializing ([#28](

## v0.8.1

### Enhancements

- Command handlers should be optional by default ([#30](

## v0.8.0

### Enhancements

- Simplify aggregates and process managers ([#31](


## v0.7.1

### Bug fixes

- Restarting aggregate process should load all events from its stream in batches. The Event Store read stream default limit is 1,000 events.

## v0.7.0

### Enhancements

- Command handling middleware allows a command router to define middleware modules that are executed before, and after success or failure of each command dispatch ([#12](


## v0.6.3

### Enhancements

- Process manager instance processes event non-blocking to prevent timeout during event processing and any command dispatching. It persists last seen event id to ensure events are handled only once.

## v0.6.2

### Enhancements

- Command dispatch timeout. Allow a `timeout` value to be configured during command registration or dispatch. This overrides the default timeout of 5 seconds. The same as the default `GenServer` call timeout.

### Bug fixes

- Fix pending aggregates restarts: supervisor restarts aggregate process but it cannot accept commands ([#22](

## v0.6.1

### Enhancements

- Upgrade `eventstore` mix dependency to v0.6.0 to use support for recorded events created_at as `NaiveDateTime`.

## v0.6.0

### Enhancements

- Confirm receipt of events in event handler and process manager router ([#19](
- Convert keys to atoms when decoding JSON using Poison decoder.
- Prefix process manager instance snapshot uuid with process manager name.
- Multi command dispatch registration in router ([#16](


## v0.5.0

### Enhancements

- Include event metadata as second argument to event handlers. An event handler must now implement the `Commanded.Event.Handler` behaviour consisting of a single `handle_event/2` function.


## v0.4.0

### Enhancements

- Macro to assist with building process managers ([README](


## v0.3.1

### Enhancements

- Include unit test event assertion function: `assert_receive_event/2` ([#13](
- Include top level application in mix config.

## v0.3.0

### Enhancements

- Don't persist an aggregate's pending events when executing a command returns an error ([#10](

### Bug fixes

- Ensure an aggregate's pending events are persisted in the order they were applied.


## v0.2.1

### Enhancements

- Support integer, atom or strings as an aggregate UUID ([#7](

## v0.1.0

Initial release.