# Changelog

## 1.4.0

### Enhancements

- Use an UPSERT SQL query to insert or update the projection version ([#52](

## 1.3.0

### Enhancements

- Fix Elixir 1.14 compilation warnings ([#45](


## 1.2.1

### Enhancements

- Allow exceptions to be rescued by Commanded's event handler ([#37](

## 1.2.0

### Enhancements

- Support runtime projector names ([#32](
- Support `schema_prefix/2` function ([#33](


## 1.1.0

### Enhancements

- Dynamic schema prefix ([#28](
- Support Commanded v1.1.0.


## 1.0.0

### Enhancements

- Support multiple Commanded apps ([#25](
- Add `.formatter.exs` to Hex package ([#19](
- Add microseconds to timestamp fields in `projection_versions` ([#22](


## 0.8.0

### Enhancements

- Upgrade to Ecto v3 ([#17](
- Use lambda instead of unhygienic var in projection macros ([#13](

  Previously _magic_ `multi`:

  project %AnEvent{name: name}, _metadata do
    Ecto.Multi.insert(multi, :example_projection, %ExampleProjection{name: name})

  Now `multi` is provided as a argument to the project function:

  project %AnEvent{name: name}, _metadata, fn multi ->
    Ecto.Multi.insert(multi, :example_projection, %ExampleProjection{name: name})

  The previous `do` block approach is still supported, but has been deprecated. It will be removed in the next release.


## 0.7.1

### Bug fixes

- Ensure errors encountered while building the `Ecto.Multi` data structure within a `project` function are caught and passed to the `error/3` callback.

## 0.7.0

### Enhancements

- Support Commanded's event handler `error/3` callback ([#12](


## 0.6.0

### Enhancements

- Pass through any additional projector configuration options to Commanded event handler.
  Allows new Commanded features to be used without updating this library (e.g. specify `consistency` option).


## 0.5.0

### Enhancements

- Allow an Ecto schema prefix to be defined in config or per handler ([#4](


## 0.4.0

### Enhancements

- Add `repo` option to `Commanded.Projections.Ecto` macro ([#1](
- Optional `after_update/3` callback function in projectors.