# Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness
A [Commanded](https://github.com/commanded/commanded) [middleware](https://hexdocs.pm/commanded/commands.html#middleware) for checking certain values uniqueness during commands dispatch. Might be useful as a short-term unique values cache before subsequent events persisted and projected.
Based on the [Ben Smith](https://github.com/slashdotdash)'s idea described in his "Building Conduit" [book](https://leanpub.com/buildingconduit).
[Please check the latest published CommandedMiddlewareUniqueness release documentation on Hex](https://hexdocs.pm/commanded_uniqueness_middleware/).
## Installation
Add `commanded_uniqueness_middleware` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:commanded_uniqueness_middleware, "~> 0.6.0"}
## Configuration
Define options in config/config.exs as:
config :commanded_uniqueness_middleware,
adapter: Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.Adapter.Cachex,
# ttl: 60 minutes in seconds
ttl: 60 * 60,
use_command_as_partition: false
- `:adapter` is an Uniqueness adapter implemented `Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.Adapter` behavior,
- `:ttl` is claimed value time-to-live,
- `:use_command_as_partition` should be set to true to use each command module name as partition. Use with caution! If neither this nor Unique protocol `:partition` option defined then `Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness` value used as a partition name.
## Adapters
As of now the only adapter exists is a Cachex based one.
Any adapter implementing `Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.Adapter` behavior can be used.
## Usage
Imagine you have an aggregate with a unique field value requirement, for example, it might be a `:username` field. You've got a new user and issue a `RegisterUser` command with `SomeCoolUsername` `:name` field value. The command successfully went through all checks and spawned a UserRegistered event but this event hasn't been projected yet. At this very moment an another user wants to register with the same name, and as the previous event isn't projected you have no information that this user name
has been taken.
You can use `Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness` to ensure that your system will not get into a conflict state in between two commands.
It utilizes [`Elixir Protocol`](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Protocol.html).
You need to put
middleware Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness
into your Commanded Router as described in [Commanded docs](https://hexdocs.pm/commanded/commands.html#middleware).
Then you need to define a `Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.UniqueFields` implementation for the specific command:
defmodule MyApp.RegisterUser do
defstruct [
defimpl Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.UniqueFields, for: MyApp.RegisterUser do
def unique(%MyApp.RegisterUser{id: id}),
do: [
{:name, "has already been taken", id, ignore_case: true, is_unique: &is_taken_externally?/4}
def is_taken_externally?(_field, value, _owner, _opts), do: !String.starts_with?(value, "ExternallyTaken")
At the first command dispatch the Uniqueness Middleware checks the `:name` field key - value pair is
free and claims it for the given owner id.
If you need to release previously claimed value with existing TTL you should use `release/4`, `release_by_owner/3` or `release_by_value/3` adapter methods:
defmodule MyApp.UserNameCacheHandler do
use Commanded.Event.Handler,
application: MyApp.App,
name: "UserNameCacheHandler"
alias MyApp.UserDeleted
def handle(%UserDeleted{id: id}, _metadata) do
:ok = Commanded.Middleware.Uniqueness.release_by_owner(:name, id)
To get to know behavior you can check modules documentation and tests (especially commands described in `test/support`).