# Commandex
> Make Elixir actions a first-class data type.
Commandex structs are a loose implementation of the command pattern, making it easy
to wrap parameters, data, and errors into a well-defined struct.
## Installation
Add commandex as a `mix.exs` dependency:
def deps do
{:commandex, "~> 0.5.1"}
## Example Usage
A fully implemented command module might look like this:
defmodule RegisterUser do
import Commandex
command do
param :email
param :password
data :password_hash
data :user
pipeline :hash_password
pipeline :create_user
pipeline :send_welcome_email
def hash_password(command, %{password: nil} = _params, _data) do
|> put_error(:password, :not_given)
|> halt()
def hash_password(command, %{password: password} = _params, _data) do
put_data(command, :password_hash, Base.encode64(password))
def create_user(command, %{email: email} = _params, %{password_hash: phash} = _data) do
|> User.changeset(%{email: email, password_hash: phash})
|> Repo.insert()
|> case do
{:ok, user} -> put_data(command, :user, user)
{:error, changeset} -> command |> put_error(:repo, changeset) |> halt()
def send_welcome_email(command, _params, %{user: user}) do
The `command/1` macro will define a struct that looks like:
success: false,
halted: false,
errors: %{},
params: %{email: nil, password: nil},
data: %{password_hash: nil, user: nil},
pipelines: [:hash_password, :create_user, :send_welcome_email]
As well as two functions:
`&new/1` parses parameters into a new struct. These can be either a keyword list
or map with atom/string keys.
`&run/1` takes a command struct and runs it through the pipeline functions defined
in the command. Functions are executed _in the order in which they are defined_.
If a command passes through all pipelines without calling `halt/1`, `:success`
will be set to `true`. Otherwise, subsequent pipelines after the `halt/1` will
be ignored and `:success` will be set to `false`.
Running a command is easy:
%{email: "example@example.com", password: "asdf1234"}
|> RegisterUser.new()
|> RegisterUser.run()
|> case do
%{success: true, data: %{user: user}} ->
# Success! We've got a user now
%{success: false, errors: %{password: :not_given}} ->
# Respond with a 400 or something
%{success: false, errors: _errors} ->
# I'm a lazy programmer that writes catch-all error handling
For even leaner implementations, you can run a command by passing
the params directly into `&run/1` without using `&new/1`:
%{email: "example@example.com", password: "asdf1234"}
|> RegisterUser.run()
## Contributing
### Testing
Unit tests can be run with `mix test`.
### Formatting
This project uses Elixir's `mix format` and [Prettier](https://prettier.io) for formatting.
Add hooks in your editor of choice to run it after a save. Be sure it respects this project's
### Commits
Git commit subjects use the [Karma style](http://karma-runner.github.io/5.0/dev/git-commit-msg.html).
## License
Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Codedge LLC (https://www.codedge.io/)
This library is MIT licensed. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/codedge-llc/commandex/blob/main/LICENSE) for details.