# CommonX
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Extension of common Elixir modules.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `common_x` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:common_x, "~> 0.5"}
The docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/common_x](https://hexdocs.pm/common_x).
## Extensions
The following modules have extension:
- `ApplicationX` (`Application` extension)
- `CodeX` (`Code` extension)
- `EnumX` (`Enum` extension)
- `MapX` (`Map` extension)
- `Macro` (`Macro` extension)
## Changelog
### 2020-08-12 (v0.5.6)
- Fix project detection when installed inside a Elixir script with [`Mix.install/2`](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.html#install/2).
### 2020-11-08 (v0.5.5)
- Small fix detecting compile environment in custom commands and Elixir >= 1.11.
### 2020-10-08 (v0.5.4)
- Small fix detecting compile environment.
### 2020-07-02 (v0.5.3)
- Compile warning fix.
### 2020-05-13 (v0.5.2)
- Improve `ApplicationX.mix_env/0` for newer OTP/Elixir versions.
### 2020-04-05 (v0.5.1)
- Add `ApplicationX.mix_env/0`, which returns the current Mix environment.
### 2020-03-15 (v0.5.0)
- Add `CodeX.ensure_compiled?/1`, which returns `true` if the module is already compiled or was successfully compiled.
- Add `CodeX.ensure_loaded?/1`, which returns `true` if the module is already loaded or was successfully loaded.
### 2020-03-08 (v0.4.1)
- Add `ApplicationX.main_project/0`, which returns the mix project config of the main application, even when called from dependencies.
### 2020-03-07 (v0.4.0)
- Add `ApplicationX.main/0`, which returns the atom of the main application, even when called from dependencies.
### 2020-01-15 (v0.3.0)
- Add `MapX.update_if_exists/3` to update map values, only if the key exists.
### 2019-12-23 (v0.2.3)
- Fix `MapX.new/2` spec.
### 2019-10-12 (v0.2.0)
- Add `ApplicationX` extension with the following methods:
- `applications/0` list all applications, without starting.
- `applications/1` list all dependencies, without starting.
- `modules/0` list all modules, without starting applications.
- `modules/1` list all modules in given applications, without starting them.
### 2019-01-01 (v0.0.2)
- Add `MacroX` extension with the following methods:
- `camalize/1` proper camelCase for `string` and `atom`.
- `pascalize/1` proper PascalCase for `string` and `atom`.
- `snakize/1` proper snake_case for `string` and `atom`.
- `underscore/1` alias for `snakize`.