# CompareChain

**Chained semantic comparisons for Elixir.**


## Key Features

CompareChain provides convenience macros for:

- chained comparisons (`a < b < c`)
- semantic comparisons using structural operators (`<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `==`, `!=`, `===`, and `!==`)
- combinations (`and`, `or`, and `not`)

## Installation

Add `compare_chain` to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs` and run `mix deps.get`:

def deps do
    {:compare_chain, "~> 0.5"}

## Usage

Import CompareChain to enable access to `` and ``:

iex> import CompareChain

# Chained comparisons
iex> compare?(1 < 2 < 3)

# Semantic comparisons
iex> compare?(~D[2017-03-31] < ~D[2017-04-01], Date)

# Chained semantic comparisons
iex> compare?(~D[2017-03-31] < ~D[2017-04-01] < ~D[2017-04-02], Date)

# Semantic comparisons with logical operators
iex> compare?(~T[16:00:00] <= ~T[16:00:00] and not (~T[17:00:00] <= ~T[17:00:00]), Time)

# Complex expressions
iex> compare?(%{a: ~T[16:00:00]}.a <= ~T[17:00:00], Time)

See [CompareChain on HexDocs]( for more.

## Background

Say you have an interval of time bounded by two `%Date{}` structs, `start_date` and `end_date`, and you want to know whether or not a third `date` falls within that interval. How would you write this in Elixir?

```elixir, date) == :lt and, end_date) == :lt

The above code is verbose, somewhat hard to read, and potentially incorrect (though not obviously so). What if `date` is considered "within" the interval inclusive of the `start_date` or `end_date`? To include the bounds in the comparison, you'd instead write the expression like this:

```elixir, date) != :gt and, end_date) != :gt

# …or, even more verbosely:, date) in [:lt, :eq] and, end_date) in [:lt, :eq]

To spot the difference between these two cases, you must keep in mind:

- the order of the arguments passed to ``,
- the specific comparison operators for each clause (`==` vs. `!=`), and
- the specific comparison atoms for each clause (`:lt` vs. `:gt`).

Contrast this example with equivalent Python code:

# excluding bounds
start_date < date < end_date

# including bounds
start_date <= date <= end_date

Much easier to read! Why can't you write this in Elixir? Two reasons:

1. Structural comparison operators
2. Chained vs. nested comparisons

### Structural Comparison Operators

Operators like `<` do _structural_ comparison (instead of _semantic_ comparison). From the [`Kernel` docs](

> …**comparisons in Elixir are structural**, as it has the goal of comparing data types as efficiently as possible to create flexible and performant data structures. This distinction is specially important for functions that provide ordering, such as `>/2`, `</2`, `>=/2`, `<=/2`, `min/2`, and `max/2`. For example:
> ```elixir
> ~D[2017-03-31] > ~D[2017-04-01]
> ```
> will return `true` because structural comparison compares the `:day` field before `:month` or `:year`. In order to perform semantic comparisons, the relevant data-types provide a `compare/2` function, such as ``:
> ```elixir
> iex>[2017-03-31], ~D[2017-04-01])
> :lt
> ```

In other words, although `~D[2017-03-31] > ~D[2017-04-01]` is valid code, it does _not_ tell you if `~D[2017-03-31]` is a later date than `~D[2017-04-01]` as you might expect.
Instead, you'd use ``.

### Chained vs. Nested Comparisons

Additionally, even if `~D[2017-03-31] > ~D[2017-04-01]` did semantic comparison, you still couldn't write the interval check like you do in Python. In Python, an expression like `1 < 2 < 3` is syntactic sugar for `(1 < 2) and (2 < 3)` (a series of "chained" expressions).

Elixir doesn't provide an equivalent syntactic sugar. Instead, `1 < 2 < 3` is evaluated as `(1 < 2) < 3` (a series of "nested" expressions). `(1 < 2) < 3` evaluates to `true < 3` which is _probably_ not what you want!

### A Solution!

CompareChain addresses these complexities with the macro ``:

import CompareChain

# excluding bounds
compare?(start_date < date < end_date, Date)

# including bounds
compare?(start_date <= date <= end_date, Date)

`` rewrites these expressions as:

# excluding bounds, date) == :lt and, end_date) == :lt

# including bounds, date) != :gt and, end_date) != :gt

Your code is more readable while remaining correct!

`` also enables chained comparison using the structural operators:

compare?(1 < 2 < 3)

## Acknowledgements

Thanks to [Ben Wilson]( and [Michael Crumm]( for the helpful discussions and their guidance!

Thanks as well to the folks who participated in the [elixir-lang-core]( discussion, particularly Cliff whose [idea]( I shamelessly built off.

## License

CompareChain is freely available under the [MIT License](