# Comtile38

Comtile38 is your comrade for Tile38 command generation in Elixir. It helps you generate correct commands with the right arity. You can then use your favorite Elixir client to push them to the Tile38 geospatial database.

It parses the [Tile38 commands documentation]( and generates functions in compile-time. All functions are defined in the `Comtile38` module.

## Installation

Add the `:comtile38` dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

defp dependencies do
  [{:comtile38, ">= 0.0.0"}]

Then run `$ mix deps.get` to install it.

## Examples (TO DO)

#=> ["CLIENT", "LIST"]

#=> ["GET", "k"]

Comredis.mget(["k1", "k2"])
#=> ["MGET", "k1", "k2"]

Comredis.set("k", "v")
#=> ["SET", "k", "v"]

# Using SET with expire time. It allows only the options the command accepts
Comredis.set("k", "v", ex: 10)
#=> ["SET", "k", "v", "EX", 10]

You also get nice [documentation]( for each command directly from the Tile38's documentation.
You can even check it out right off your IEx session.

h Comtile38.setchan 

>                                        def get(key)

> Get the value of a key

> *Group:* string

> *Available since Redis version 1.0.0.*

> *Time complexity:* O(1)

> Arguments:

> * `key`


* [X] Tested against clients(Redix and Exredis)
* [ ] Increase the amount of examples for the generated functions with doctests
* [X] Property based testing to guarantee it will not crash the application
* [ ] Generate typespecs
* [ ] Test out in Livebooks