# ConduitNSQ

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A [NSQ]( adapter for [conduit](

**CAVEAT: This adapter library is not mature so take precaution when
using it for production.** This library also may not be as lightweight,
eficient, thoughtout. As an example, this library uses
[honeydew]( as a worker pool to
throttle sending and receiving messages instead of the builtin

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `conduit_nsq` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:conduit_nsq, "~> 0.1.1"}]

Once you created your own `MyApp.Broker`, remember to add it in your

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

## Configuring the Adapter

This library uses [elixir_nsq]( to
connect to the message queue. Aside from specifiying the `:adapter`,
every option in the following snippet below is passed down to `NSQ.Config`:

``` elixir
config :my_app, MyApp.Broker,
  adapter: ConduitNSQ,
  producer_nsqds: [
  nsqds: [
  nsqlookupds: [""],

  backoff_multiplier: 2_000

Checkout the [list of supported

The only different option is `:producer_nsqds` which is publisher
specific endpoints than consumer specific endpoints. This option is to
support the idiomatic strategy of publishing to colocated `nsqds` while
listening in to external producers. (See [Eliminating

For more adapter specific options:

# Default config
config :conduit_nsq,
  publisher_workers: 3,
  processor_workers: 10,
  publish_timeout: 60_000,
  process_timeout: 60_000

### Options

    Aside from `:adapter`, the current options should be good defaults.

* `:adapter` - The message queue adapter to use, should be `ConduitNSQ`.
* `:publisher_workers` - The number of workers for publishing messages.
  See [Honeydew.start_workers/3](
* `:processor_workers` - The number of workers for receiving messages.
* `:publish_timeout` - Timeout in publishing messages. See [Honeydew.yield/2](
* `:process_timeout` - Timeout in receiving messages. See [Honeydew.yield/2](

## Configuring Topic

Inside the `configure` block of a broker, you can define topics via
`queue` that will be created at application startup with the options you specify.

``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.Broker do
  configure do
    queue "my-topic"
    queue "other-topic"

All topics that the application will publish to must be defined here
since each message is routed to the corresponding
`NSQ.Producer.Supervisor` otherwise the message might be unsent.

### Ephemeral Topics or Channels

You can suffix topics and channels with `#ephemeral` based on [bounded
However, when publishing or subscribing to the topic, also add the
same suffix to the topic or channel to match

## Configuring a Subscriber

Inside an `incoming` block for a broker, you can define subscriptions to
topics. Conduit will route messages on those topics to your subscribers.

``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.Broker do
  incoming MyApp do
    subscribe :my_subscriber, MySubscriber,
      topic: "my-queue",
      channel: "my-channel"
    subscribe :my_other_subscriber, MyOtherSubscriber,
      topic: "my-other-queue",
      from: "my-other-channel"

Make sure the `:topic`s here are found in the `configure` block to
receive the messages.

### Options

The only required options are `:topic` and `:channel` which follows

- `:topic` - Topic to connect with
- `:channel` - Topic channel to listen into

## Configuring a Publisher

Inside an `outgoing` block for a broker, you can define publications to topics.

``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.Broker do
  outgoing do
    publish :something, topic: "my-topic"
    publish :something_else, topic: "my-other-topic",

### Options

The only required option is `:topic` which follows

- `:topic` - Topic to publish to