# Conejo

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Conejo is an OTP application/library based on [pma/amqp]( which will help you to define your
AMQP/RabbitMQ publishers and consumers in an easier way.

I highly recommend to initiate your publishers/consumers under a Supervisor.

## Installation
  * Add `conejo` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
       [{:conejo, "~> 0.4"}]
## Configuration    
  * Define your config files. Try to respect this configuration. It is based
   on the options that are needed by [pma/amqp](
  * If you whish to use a virtual host, you can specify an optional parameter called "vhost" containing your wanted vhost (eg. "dev").
   config :my_application, :consumer,
     exchange: "my_exchange",
     exchange_type: "topic",
     queue_name: "my_queue",
     queue_declaration_options: [{:auto_delete, true}, {:exclusive, true}],
     queue_bind_options: [routing_key: "example"],
     consume_options: [no_ack: true]

   config :conejo, 
     host: "my_host",
     port: 5672,
     vhost: "dev",
     username: "user",
     password: "pass"
   [Confex]( is supported.

## Consumer
  * Define and run your Consumers. Code the function handle_consume(channel, tag, redelivered, payload)
   which will be executed when a message is received.
  defmodule MyApplication.MyConsumer do
    use Conejo.Consumer

    def handle_consume(_channel, payload, _params) do
      IO.puts "Received  ->  #{inspect payload}"
  options = Application.get_all_env(:my_application)[:consumer] 
  {:ok, consumer} = MyApplication.MyConsumer.start_link(options, [name: :consumer])
## Publisher
  * Define and run your Publisher.
  defmodule MyApplication.MyPublisher do
    use Conejo.Publisher
  {:ok, publisher} = MyApplication.MyPublisher.start_link([], [name: :publisher])
  MyApplication.MyPublisher.sync_publish(:publisher, "my_exchange", "example", "Hola")
  MyApplication.MyPublisher.async_publish(:publisher, "my_exchange", "example", "Adios")
## Test
  * Run the tests. You have to have [Docker]( installed in you computer.
  mix test --no-start
## Internal dependencies
`Conejo` dependencies use `lager` for logging, so you have to configure it in your configuration files:
config :lager,
  handlers: [level: :critical]