
This library implements a parser for config files in the style of Windows INI, as parsed by the Python [configparser]( library.

Basic config files look like this:

# Comments can be placed in the file on lines with a hash
[config section]

first_key = value
second_key = another_value
The file shown in this sample defines a section called `config section` and then defines two config settings in key-value form.  The result of parsing this file would be:

 %{"config section" => %{"first_key" => "value",
     "second_key" => "another_value"}}}

The `:ok` atom in the frst part of the tuple indicates that parsing was successful.  The map in the second part of the tuple has keys that are the sections created in the file and the values are themselves value maps.  The value maps reflect the keys and values defined within that section.

Config Definitions

A section definition is simply the name of the section enclosed in square brackets `[like this]`.  Section names can contain spaces.

Within a section, configuration definitions are key value pairs.  On a definition line, the key and value are separated by either a colon (:) or an equal sign (=):

[key-value samples]
key_defined = with_an_equal_sign
another_key_defined : with_a_colon
keys can have spaces : true
values = can have spaces too
The value of a particular key can extend over more than one line.  The follow-on lines must be indented farther than the first line.

[multiline sample]
this key's value : continues on more than one line
    but the follow on lines must be indented
    farther than the original one.

It is possible to define keys with values that are either null or the empty string:

[empty-ish values]
this_key_has_the_empty_string_as_a_value =


The config file can contiain comments:

# comments can begin with a hash or number sign a the beginning
; or a comment line can begin with a semicolon

[comment section]
when defining a key = this is the value ; a comment starting with a semicolon

Using the Parser

The `ConfigParser` module includes routines that can parse a file, the contents of a string, or from a stream of lines.

To parse the content of a config file call the `parse_file` function and pass the file's path:

  {:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_file("/path/to/file")

To parse config information out of a string, call the `parse_string` method:

  {:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_string("""
    config_key = some interesting value

Given a stream whose elements represent the successive lines of a config file, the library can parse the content of the stream:

fake_stream = ["[section]", "key1 = value2", "key2:value2"] |>
{:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_stream(fake_stream)

As mentioned previously the result of doing the parsing is a tuple.  If successful, the first element of the tupe is `:ok` and the second element is the parsed result.

If the parser encounters an error, then the first part of the tuple will be the atom `:error` and the second element will be a string describing the error that was encountered:

{:error, "Syntax Error on line 3"}

Not Implemented

This library currently returns the parsed result as a raw data structure and does not include the Python ConfigParser's `get` function.  As a result, it also does not support the value interpolation in the Python library.  This library also does not support the Python ConfigParser's customization features.