defmodule ConfluentSchema.Cache do
@moduledoc "Cache Confluent schemas on ETS table."
@doc """
Starts cache for Confluent schemas.
Must be called before cache is used.
Raise `ArgumentError` if called more than once.
## Example
iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.start()
iex> assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Cache.start() end
@spec start() :: true | no_return
def start(table_name \\ __MODULE__) do, [:named_table, read_concurrency: true])
@doc """
Cache the Confluent schema for a given subject.
Raise `ArgumentError` if cache is not started.
## Example
iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"})
iex> assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"}) end
@spec set(binary, map) :: true | no_return
def set(subject, schema, table_name \\ __MODULE__) do
:ets.insert(table_name, {subject, schema})
@doc """
Return the cached Confluent schema for a given subject.
Raise `ArgumentError` if cache is not started.
## Example
iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"})
iex> Cache.get("my-subject")
{:ok, %{"type" => "string"}}
iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.get("my-subject")
{:error, :not_found}
@spec get(binary) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, :not_found} | no_return
def get(subject, table_name \\ __MODULE__) do
case :ets.lookup(table_name, subject) do
[{^subject, schema}] -> {:ok, schema}
[] -> {:error, :not_found}