# Confx

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Find and load configuration from files.

Available file types:
- `JSON`
- `YAML`

## Installation

def deps do
    {:confx, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

Following the configuration file:

# config.yml
  host: "http://localhost"
  port: 400

It's possible to load this config formatted in Elixir maps:

iex(1)> Confx.load("config.yml")
{:ok, %{
  my_app: %{
    host: "http://localhost",
    port: 4000

# Using defaults
iex(2)> Confx.load("config.yml", defaults: [my_app: [method: "POST"]])
{:ok, %{
  my_app: %{
    host: "http://localhost",
    port: 4000,
    method: "POST"

Check out the [docs]() for more info.