# Conpipe
A Converter Pipeline with a composable library of operations. Conpipe wraps
template processors (eg EEx, Liquid) and plain-text markup languages (eg
Markdown, Asciidoc) to streamline development.
Conpipe is:
- intended for use in Static Site Generators like
- designed to be extended
## Installation
Add `conpipe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:conpipe, "~> 0.0.3"}
Online docs can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/conpipe>.
## Converters
A converter is a module with a `convert/2` function that implements the
`Conpipe.Converter` behavior. Here's a converter that processes Liquid tags:
defmodule MyLiquidConverter do
@behavior Conpipe.Converter
def convert({text, assigns}, opts \\ []) do
{:ok, template} = Solid.parse(text, opts)
output = Solid.render!(template, assigns) |> to_string
{output, assigns}
Converters can be chained in Elixir pipes:
defmodule My.DoItAllConverter do
@behavior Conpipe.Converter
def convert({text, assigns}, _opts \\ []) do
{text, assigns}
|> Conpipe.Converter.Solid.convert()
|> MyConverter.convert()
|> Conpipe.Converter.Mdex.convert()
|> MyHtmlPostProcessor.convert()
Converters can be composed and run in a pipeline:
[Conpipe.Converter.Solid, MyConverter, Conpipe.Converter.Mdex]
|> Conpipe.Runner.reduce(input, assigns)
This project ships with a library of converters that can be reused across applications:
Markup Languages
- `Conpipe.Converter.Earmark` - Markdown HTML
- `Conpipe.Converter.Mdex` - Markdown to HTML
Template Processors
- `Conpipe.Converter.Eex` - EEx template language
- `Conpipe.Converter.Solid` - Liquid template language
Find an up-to-date list of converters in the [online
## Tableau Integration
Adding `use Conpipe.TableauAdapter` to a converter provides a `convert/4`
function that can be called directly from Tableau.
defmodule MyConverter do
@behavior Conpipe.Converter
use Conpipe.TableauAdapter
def convert({text, assigns}, _opts \\ []) do
{text, assigns}
|> Conpipe.Converter.Solid.convert()
|> Conpipe.Converter.Mdex.convert()
Then in `config/config.exs`
config :tableau, :config,
url: "http://localhost:4999",
converters: [
md: MyConverter
All converters in this package use `TableauAdapter`.
## Contributions
Pull Requests welcome!
PR's require [Conventional
Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/), passing tests and
formatted code. (`mix format`)
To auto-exec validations with pre-commit hooks, find setup scripts in the
`.hooks` directory.