# Consolex
Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project.

Use the following mix task to start the server on port **5984**.
mix consolex.server
Open up **localhost:5984** on your browser and by default, you get 2 launch options:
iex -S mix
You can choose to provide other shell options as well, like `iex -S mix phoenix.server`.
Once the shell is launched, you can start using the editor and hit "Ctrl/Cmd + Enter" or click on the provided button to send the code to the running IEx instance and execute it.
**Warning: This project is still in development and contains bugs. Please help by reporting issues on github**
## Features
* **Web Console**
* Ability to plug into any existing mix project
* Multi line IEx command
* Command history
## Installation
To attach the web console to any mix project, just add consolex to your list of dependencies.
Add consolex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` using either
`[{:consolex, "~> 0.0.1"}]`
`[{:consolex, git: "https://github.com/sivsushruth/consolex"}]`
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2014, Sushruth Sivaramakrishnan.
Consolex source code is licensed under the MIT License.