# ConsulKv

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Elixir SDK for [Consul KV store](

## Installation

The package could be installed as:

def deps do
    {:consul_kv, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Configuration

There are several configuration options for the client:

  - consul_recv_timeout (default: 5000)

    the timeout for receive response from the server side

  - consul_connect_timeout (default: 5000)

    the timeout for connect consul server

  - consul_kv_address (required)

    the address of consul KV store, for example: `""`

## Usage

### 1. setup correct configuration

### 2. put kv pair

iex(1)> ConsulKv.put("consul-kv/k1", "v1")
{:ok, true}

### 3. get value

iex(2)> ConsulKv.get("consul-kv/k1")
     create_index: 45687,
     flags: 0,
     key: "consul-kv/k1",
     lock_index: 0,
     modify_index: 45687,
     session: nil,
     value: "v1"

or use single get

iex(3)> ConsulKv.single_get("consul-kv/k1")
   create_index: 45687,
   flags: 0,
   key: "consul-kv/k1",
   lock_index: 0,
   modify_index: 45687,
   session: nil,
   value: "v1"

if you want put more than one keys share a prefix, like:

iex(4)> ConsulKv.put("consul-kv/k2", "v2")
{:ok, true}

you can also use recurse get to fetch all kvs which sharing one prefix:

iex(5)> ConsulKv.recurse_get("consul-kv")
     create_index: 45687,
     flags: 0,
     key: "consul-kv/k1",
     lock_index: 0,
     modify_index: 45687,
     session: nil,
     value: "v1"
     create_index: 45871,
     flags: 0,
     key: "consul-kv/k2",
     lock_index: 0,
     modify_index: 45871,
     session: nil,
     value: "v2"

### 4. delete

delete one kv:

iex(6)> ConsulKv.recurse_delete("consul-kv")
{:ok, true}

More information, you can check the function document. And more usage example, please check the unit test cases.

## Contributions

Any contributions are welcomed, documentation especially.