
defmodule Contentful.Preview do
  @moduledoc """
  The Contentful Preview API allows the interaction with content that is not yet
  published and will return assets, entries, etc.

  It exhibits the same behavior as the Content Delivery API - see

  ## Usage

  In order to use it:

  # in your config.exs
  config :contentful, delivery: [
    endpoint: :preview,

    space_id: "<my_space_id>",
    environment: "<my_environment>",
    access_token: "<my_access_token_cpa>"


  you should be able to then use the `Contentful.Delivery` as a proxy:

  import Contentful.Query
  alias Contentful.Delivery, as: Preview

  {:ok, entry} = Preview.Entries |> fetch_one("my_entry_id")

  You can also pass a custom URL (string) to the `:endpoint` in `config.exs`.
