# context_fp_gleam

Functional programming context for Gleam
gleam add context_fp_gleam
## Features
- 💉 Dependency injection without magic, only functions
- 🤌 Functions cached during workflow, no excess cost of CPU
- 💡 Smart type inference via generics
- ♻️ Unit tests friendly, feel free to pass mocked function in the Context
## How to
#### Basic example
import context_fp_gleam.{cfp2}
let positive_numbers = fn(ns, _c) { list.filter(ns, fn(n) { n > 0 }) }
let numbers_prefix = fn(_ns, _c) { "Here is numbers: " }
let positive_numbers_as_string = {
use ns, prefix, _c <- cfp2(positive_numbers, numbers_prefix)
<> list.map(ns, fn(n) { int.to_string(n) })
|> string.join(",")
// Here is numbers: 7,4
positive_numbers_as_string([-1, -5, 7, 0, 4], dict.new())
#### Calculations cached example
import context_fp_gleam.{cfp1,cfp2}
let positive_numbers = fn(ns, _c) {
list.filter(ns, fn(n) { n > 0 }) // will be called only once
let positive_numbers_length = {
use ns, _c <- cfp1(positive_numbers)
let positive_numbers_as_string = {
use ns, length, _c <- cfp2(positive_numbers, positive_numbers_length)
list.map(ns, fn(n) { int.to_string(n) })
|> string.join(",")
<> "; length - "
<> int.to_string(length)
// 7,4; length - 2
positive_numbers_as_string([-1, -5, 7, 0, 4], dict.new())
#### Dependency injection example
import context_fp_gleam.{cfp1}
let fetch_user_from_db = fn(_ctx, _c) { User("Petya") }
let fetch_user = fn(fetch_user_mock, _c) {
option.unwrap(fetch_user_mock, fetch_user_from_db)()
let hello_world_user = {
use user, _c <- cfp1(fetch_user)
"Hello world, " <> user.name
// Hello world, Vasya
hello_world_user(option.Some(fn() { User("Vasya") }), dict.new())
#### Extract cache for DB transaction example
import context_fp_gleam.{cfp1}
let fetch_user_from_db = fn(id, _c) {
case id {
1 -> option.Some(User(1, "Petya", 30))
_ -> option.None
let user_birthday = {
use user, _c <- cfp1(fetch_user_from_db)
option.map(user, fn(user) { User(..user, age: user.age + 1) })
let save_to_db = {
use _, cache <- cfp1(user_birthday)
let db_entities = dict.values(cache)
let queries =
list.flat_map(db_entities, fn(user) {
case dynamic.unsafe_coerce(user) {
option.Some(User(_, _, _) as user) -> [
#("update users set age = $1 where id = $2; ", [user.age, user.id]),
_ -> []
let transaction_sql = case list.length(queries) > 0 {
True ->
list.fold(queries, "begin; ", fn(acc, query) { acc <> query.0 })
<> "commit;"
False -> ""
save_to_db(1, dict.new())
## See also
- [context-fp](https://github.com/darky/context-fp) - Functional programming context for TypeScript
- [context-fp-go](https://github.com/darky/context-fp-go) - Functional programming context for Golang