# convert
**Encode and decode from and to Gleam types effortlessly !**
Define a converter once and encode and decode as much as you want.
## Installation
gleam add convert
## Usage
import gleam/io
import gleam/json
import convert
import convert/json as cjson
pub type Person {
Person(name: String, age: Int)
pub fn main() {
let converter =
use name <- convert.field("name", fn(v: Person) { Ok(v.name) }, convert.string())
use age <- convert.field("age", fn(v: Person) { Ok(v.age) }, convert.int())
convert.success(Person(name:, age:))
Person("Anna", 21)
|> cjson.json_encode(converter)
|> json.to_string
|> io.debug
// '{"name": "Anna", "age": 21}'
"{\"name\": \"Bob\", \"age\": 36}"
|> json.decode(cjson.json_decode(converter))
|> io.debug
// Ok(Person("Bob", 36))
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/convert>.
## Features
- Javascript and Erlang targets
- Converters for all basic types (except BitArray)
- Define converters for List, Dict, Result & Option
- Build decoders for custom objects and enums
- Encode and decode to JSON.
## Potential developments
- Add BitArray support
- Add Tuple support
- Add Yaml conversion
Feel free to open PRs and issues if you want more features !
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests