# convert_http_query
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**Encode and decode HTTP queries from/to Gleam types**
Easily convert your Gleam types to HTTP queries. This is particularly useful to have typed queries automatically encoded in your frontend and decoded in your backend.
## Installation
gleam add convert_http_query@1
## Usage
import convert
import convert/http/query
pub type User {
User(name: String, age: Int, children: List(String))
pub fn user_converter() {
use name <- convert.field("name", fn (v: User) { Ok(v.name) }, convert.string())
use age <- convert.field("age", fn (v: User) { Ok(v.age) }, convert.int())
use children <- convert.field("children", fn (v: User) { Ok(v.children) }, convert.list(convert.string()))
convert.success(User(name:, age:, children:))
pub fn main() {
User("John", 42, ["Alice", "Bob"])
|> query.encode(user_converter())
// => [
// #("name", "John"),
// #("age", "42"),
// #("children.0", "Alice"),
// #("children.1", "Bob"),
// ]
#("name", "Thomas"),
#("age", "27"),
|> query.decode(user_converter())
// => User("Thomas", 27, [])
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/convert_http_query>.
## Features
- Encode and decode HTTP queries from and to Gleam types
- Support for all Gleam primitive types
- Support for lists, results, optionals, dicts
- Allow decoding to objects and enums
## Limitations
Not all dict keys are supported. Currently, only primitive types such as Bool, Int, Float, String and BitArray.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests