# CookieJar
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![COOKIE JAR](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1329716/22807691/5fe454d6-ef7c-11e6-8e0b-30aca685c83a.jpg)
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `cookie_jar` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:cookie_jar, "~> 1.0"}]
## Usage
1. Add alias (optional)
alias CookieJar.HTTPoison, as: HTTPoison
2. Get a cookie jar
{:ok, jar} = CookieJar.new
Alternatively, you can use a permenent cookie jar by starting one as part of your supervision tree:
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{CookieJar.Server, name: MyApp.CookieJar},
Then you can use `MyApp.CookieJar` as the application-wide jar.
3. Shove the jar into all http calls
- HTTPoison.get("https://example.com/api/call")
+ HTTPoison.get(jar, "https://example.com/api/call")
4. Profit (cookies imprisoned)
All cookies from "Set-Cookie:" response headers are now stored in the jar and will be automatically sent back through "Cookie:" request headers. CookieJar respect the following attributes in the cookies:
- Domain: To limit abuses, CookieJar only allows `Domain` to be set to the current hostname of the request or its immediate parent domain.
- Path: A cookie can limit the sending back to part of the path tree in the request
- Secure: A secure cookie can only be set by https responses and used by https requests
- Max-Age: A cookie can specify its max age
All other attributes are silently ignored.
**Take a look at [the docs](https://hexdocs.pm/cookie_jar)**
- [How to directly use CookieJar](https://hexdocs.pm/cookie_jar/CookieJar.html#content)
- [HTTPoison adapter](https://hexdocs.pm/cookie_jar/CookieJar.HTTPoison.html#content)
- [HTTPotion adapter](https://hexdocs.pm/cookie_jar/CookieJar.HTTPotion.html#content)