# CookieToJwtPlug
Puts authorization token from cookies to Authorization headers and
do refresh auth cookie.
You can put it in your Guardian pipline and think that you're working
with just jwt token.
defmodule YourApp.Guardian.Pipeline do
@moduledoc false
use Guardian.Plug.Pipeline,
otp_app: :your_app,
error_handler: YourApp.Guardian.ErrorHandler,
module: YourApp.Guardian
# Extract token from cookies.
plug CookieToJwtPlug
# If there is a session token, restrict it to an access token and validate it
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifySession, claims: %{"typ" => "access"}
# If there is an authorization header, restrict it to an access token
# and validate it
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, claims: %{"typ" => "access"}
# Load the user if either of the verifications worked
plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource, allow_blank: true
And also you should put your cookies on authorization:
defmodule YourAppWeb.SomeController do
@moduledoc false
# The function that authenticate a user and returns a token for her.
import Auth, only: [authenticate_user: 1]
def login(conn, params) do
with {:ok, token} <- authenticate_user(params) do
|> CookieToJwtPlug.put_session_token(token)
|> render("index.html")
## Installation
Add this to your deps:
def deps do
{:cookie_to_jwt_plug, "~> 0.1"}