# cosepo

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A module for parsing, mutating, and serializing Content-Security-Policy directives.

## Installation

gleam add cosepo

## Usage

import cosepo

pub fn main() {
  cosepo.parse("default-src https: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'")
  // -> Ok(ContentSecurityPolicy([
  //   Directive("default-src", ["https:", "'unsafe-eval'", "'unsafe-inline'"]),
  //   Directive("object-src", ["'none'"])])
  // )

  let assert Ok(directive1) = cosepo.new_directive("default-src", ["'none'"])
  let assert Ok(directive2) = cosepo.new_directive("script-src", [""])
  cosepo.serialize(ContentSecurityPolicy([directive1, directive2]))
  // -> "default-src 'none'; script-src;"

  // -> Error("an-invalid-directive is not a valid directive name")

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam test  # Run the tests