# Cover-to-Cobertura Conversion Tool 

[![ version](](

A simple tool to convert exported Erlang `cover` data sets into Cobertura XML
reports. The report could be then feed to the Jenkins Cobertura plug-in.

## Plugin rename notice

This plugin is now known on [Hex]( as [`covertool`]( Previously, is was called [`rebar_covertool`]( That package name is now **retired**, although it will remain compatible.

As of `covertool` 1.3.0, the `covertool` Erlang module now contains callbacks for all supported plugin formats (rebar 2, rebar3, and mix). Going forward, referencing `covertool` as `rebar_covertool` or `mix_covertool` in plugins is **deprecated**. Use `covertool` instead (see [usage](#usage) below).

This change was made to make the applications more straightforward to integrate with. See [#42]( for more information.

## Usage

1. Install Jenkins Cobertura Plug-in.
2. Pick one of the options below ([standalone](#standalone)/[rebar](#rebar)/[rebar3](#rebar3)/[mix](#mix))
3. Configure "Publish Cobertura Coverage Report" post-build action, set path
to the generated `coverage.xml`
4. Run the build. At the end, "Coverage Report" link should appear on project page.

### Standalone

1. Build command line script (WARNING: EUnit test for plugin may fail for OTP =< 17.3, due to a bug in `cover` app)

        $ make

2. Configure `cover` to export data. Sample cover.spec for `Common Test`:

        {incl_app, app0, details}.
        {export, "all.coverdata"}.

3. Configure Jenkins to convert `cover` reports into `Cobertura` format:
        $ covertool -cover all.coverdata -output coverage.xml -src src/

### Rebar

Configure rebar to generate reports in `Cobertura` format:

{deps, [
    {covertool, "", {git, "", {branch, master}}}
{plugins, [covertool]}.
{cover_export_enabled, true}.
{covertool_eunit, {".eunit/eunit.coverdata", "eunit.coverage.xml"}}. % Source file name, output report file name
{covertool_ct, {"ct.coverdata", "ct.coverage.xml"}}. % Source file name, output report file name
{covertool_prefix_len, 2}. % Optional: include the module prefix in the package name

The `covertool_prefix_len` option allows including the first *n* sections of the '_'-delimited module name in the package name. For example, with a `covertool_prefix_len` of 2 and a module named `app0_worker_srv_sup`, the term `app0.worker` would be added to the end of the package name. Defaults to 0 (no module prefix included).

### Rebar3

Configure rebar3 to generate reports in `Cobertura` format:

{project_plugins, [covertool]}.
% Alternate form (w/o Hex):
% {project_plugins, [
%     {covertool, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
% ]}.
{cover_export_enabled, true}.
{covertool, [{coverdata_files, ["ct.coverdata", "eunit.coverdata"]},
             {include_apps, [dep0, dep1]},
             {prefix_len, 2}]}. % Optional: Use module prefix as (imaginary) package name

The `include_apps` option allows specifying a list of dependent OTP applications to include in the coverage export (default: `[]`). Note that the coverage data must be included in the input `.coverdata` file in order for any values to be populated in the output XML file. This can be done using the [ct cover spec file](

The `include_apps` option can also be specified via the command line as a CSV of application names, e.g.:

rebar3 covertool generate -a"dep0,dep1"

The `prefix_len` option allows including the first *n* sections of the '_'-delimited module name in the package name. For example, with a `prefix_len` of 2 and a module named `app0_worker_srv_sup`, the term `app0.worker` would be added to the end of the package name. Defaults to 0 (no module prefix included). This option can also be specified via the command line, e.g.:

rebar3 covertool generate -p2

### Mix

Configure mix to generate reports in `Cobertura` format:

def project do
    test_coverage: [tool: :covertool]

## Screenshots

