
%% @author Marc Worrell <>
%% @copyright 2016-2022 Marc Worrell
%% @doc Cowmachine: webmachine middleware for Cowboy/Zotonic
%% @end

%% Copyright 2016-2022 Marc Worrell
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.

-author("Marc Worrell <").



%% Internal logging interface
-export([log/1, log/2]).


%% @private

%% @doc Cowboy middleware, route the new request. Continue with the cowmachine,
%%      requests a redirect or return a 400 on an unknown host.
-spec execute(Req, Env) -> Result
    when Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
         Env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
		 Result :: {ok, Req, Env} | {stop, Req}.
execute(Req, #{ cowmachine_controller := _Controller } = Env) ->
    ContextEnv = maps:get(cowmachine_context, Env, undefined),
    Context = cowmachine_req:init_context(Req, Env, ContextEnv),
    request(Context, #{}).

%% @doc Handle a request, executes the cowmachine http states. Can be used by middleware
%% functions to add some additional initialization of controllers or context.

-spec request(Context, Options) -> Result
    when Context :: cowmachine_req:context(),
         Options :: map(),
		 Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
         Env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
		 Result :: {ok, Req, Env} | {stop, Req}.
request(Context, Options) ->
    Req = cowmachine_req:req(Context),
    Env = cowmachine_req:env(Context),
    Controller = maps:get(cowmachine_controller, Env),
    case request_1(Controller, Req, Env, Options, Context) of
        {upgrade, UpgradeFun, _StateResult, ContextResult} ->
        Other ->

-spec request_1(Controller, Req, Env, Options, Context) -> Result when
	Controller :: atom(),
    Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
    Env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
	Options :: map(),
	Context :: cowmachine_req:context(),
	Result :: {upgrade, UpgradeFun, State, Context} | cowboy_middleware:env() | any(),
	UpgradeFun :: atom(),
	State :: cmstate().
request_1(Controller, Req, Env, Options, Context) ->
    State = #cmstate{
        controller = Controller,
        cache = #{},
        options = Options
    Site = maps:get(site, Env, undefined),
    ReqResult = try
        EnvInit = cowmachine_req:init_env(Req, Env),
        Context1 = cowmachine_req:set_env(EnvInit, Context),
        Context2 = case maps:get(on_request, Options, undefined) of
            undefined -> Context1;
            FunReq when is_function(FunReq) -> FunReq(Context1)
        case cowmachine_decision_core:handle_request(State, Context2) of
            {_Finish, _StateResult, ContextResult} ->
                ContextResult1 = case maps:get(on_handled, Options, undefined) of
                    undefined -> ContextResult;
                    FunHandled when is_function(FunHandled) -> FunHandled(ContextResult)
            {upgrade, UpgradeFun, _StateResult, ContextResult} ->
                {upgrade, UpgradeFun, _StateResult, ContextResult}
        throw:{stop_request, 500, {Reason, Stacktrace}} when is_list(Stacktrace) ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 500, text => "Stop request",
                   reason => Reason, stack => Stacktrace}, Req),
            handle_stop_request(500, Site, undefined, Req, Env, State, Context);
        throw:{stop_request, 500, Reason} ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 500, text => "Stop request", reason => Reason}, Req),
            handle_stop_request(500, Site, {throw, Reason}, Req, Env, State, Context);
        throw:{stop_request, ResponseCode, Reason} when is_integer(ResponseCode), ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
            handle_stop_request(ResponseCode, Site, {throw, Reason}, Req, Env, State, Context);
        throw:{stop_request, 500}:Stacktrace ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 500, text => "Stop request",
                   stack => Stacktrace}, Req),
            handle_stop_request(500, Site, undefined, Req, Env, State, Context);
        throw:{stop_request, ResponseCode} when is_integer(ResponseCode), ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
            handle_stop_request(ResponseCode, Site, undefined, Req, Env, State, Context);
        throw:{stop_request, ResponseCode} when is_integer(ResponseCode) ->
            {stop, cowboy_req:reply(ResponseCode, Req)};
        throw:invalid_percent_encoding ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 400, text => "Illegal percent encoding" }, Req),
            {stop, cowboy_req:reply(400, Req)};
        throw:invalid_qs_name ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 400, text => "Illegal query argument name" }, Req),
            {stop, cowboy_req:reply(400, Req)};
        throw:Reason:Stacktrace ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 500, text => "Unexpected throw",
                   class => throw, reason => Reason,
                   stack => Stacktrace}, Req),
            handle_stop_request(500, Site, {throw, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, Req, Env, State, Context);
        Class:Reason:Stacktrace ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => error, code => 500, text => "Unexpected exception",
                   class => Class, reason => Reason,
                   stack => Stacktrace}, Req),
            handle_stop_request(500, Site, {throw, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, Req, Env, State, Context)

% @todo add the error controller as an application env, if not defined then just terminate with the corresponding error code.

-spec handle_stop_request(ResponseCode, Site, Reason, Req, Env, State, Context) -> Result when
	ResponseCode :: integer(), 
	Site :: atom() | undefined, 
	Reason :: any(), 
	Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
    Env :: cowboy_middleware:env(),
	State :: cmstate(), 
	Context :: cowmachine_req:context(),
	Result :: {ok, Req, Env} | {stop, Req}.
handle_stop_request(ResponseCode, _Site, Reason, Req, Env, State, Context) ->
    State1 = State#cmstate{
        controller = controller_http_error
    EnvInit = cowmachine_req:init_env(Req, Env),
    Context1 = cowmachine_req:set_env(EnvInit, Context),
    Context2 = cowmachine_req:set_metadata(controller_module_error, State#cmstate.controller, Context1),
    Context3 = cowmachine_req:set_metadata(http_status_code, ResponseCode, Context2),
    Context4 = cowmachine_req:set_metadata(error_reason, Reason, Context3),
        {_Finish, _StateResult, ContextResult} = cowmachine_decision_core:handle_request(State1, Context4),
        ContextRespCode = cowmachine_req:set_response_code(ResponseCode, ContextResult),
        throw:{stop_request, Code, CReason} ->
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => warning,
                   text => "Stop request",
                   code => Code,
                   reason => CReason }, Req),
            {stop, cowboy_req:reply(Code, Req)};
            log(#{ at => ?AT, level => warning,
                   text => "Unexpected exception",
                   code => 500,
                   class => Class,
                   reason => CReason,
                   stack => Stacktrace
                 }, Req),
            {stop, cowboy_req:reply(500, Req)}

%% Logging
-spec log(Report) -> Result when
	Report :: map(),
	Result :: any().
log(#{ level := Level } = Report) ->
    log_report(Level, Report#{
        in => cowmachine,
        node => node()

-spec log(Report, Req) -> Result when
	Report :: map(),
	Req :: map(),
	Result :: any().
log(#{ level := Level } = Report, Req) when is_map(Req) ->
    Report1 = lists:foldl(fun({Key, Fun}, Acc) ->
                                  case Fun(Req) of
                                      undefined -> Acc;
                                      {ok, Val} -> Acc#{ Key => Val }
                          end, Report, [{src, fun src/1},
                                        {dst, fun dst/1},
                                        {path, fun path/1}]),
    log_report(Level, Report1#{
        in => cowmachine,
        node => node()

-spec log_report(LogLevel, Report) -> Result when
	LogLevel :: debug | info | notice | warning | error,
	Report :: map(),
	Result :: any().
log_report(debug, Report) when is_map(Report) ->
log_report(info, Report) when is_map(Report) ->
log_report(notice, Report) when is_map(Report) ->
log_report(warning, Report) when is_map(Report) ->
log_report(error, Report) when is_map(Report) ->

-spec src(IpInfo) -> Result when
	IpInfo :: #{ peer := {IP, Port} } | any(),
	Port :: integer(),
	IP :: tuple(),
	Result :: {ok, map()} | undefined.
src(#{ peer := {IP, Port} }) -> {ok, ip_info(IP, Port)};
src(_) -> undefined.

-spec dst(DstInfo) -> Result when
	DstInfo :: #{ sock := {IP, Port} } | #{ port := Port } | any(),
	IP :: tuple(), 
	Port :: integer(),
	Result :: {ok, #{IPType => string(), port => Port}} | {ok, #{ port => Port }} | undefined,
	IPType :: ip4 | ip6.
dst(#{ sock := {IP, Port} } ) -> {ok, ip_info(IP, Port)};
dst(#{ port := Port }) -> {ok, #{ port => Port }};
dst(_) -> undefined.

-spec path(PathInfo) -> Result when
	PathInfo :: #{ path := Path } | any(),
	Path :: any(),
	Result :: {ok, Path} | undefined.
path(#{ path := Path }) -> {ok, Path};
path(_) -> undefined.

-spec ip_info(IP, Port) -> Result when
	IP :: tuple(), 
	Port :: integer(),
	IPType :: ip4 | ip6,
	Result :: #{IPType => string(), port => Port}.
ip_info(IP, Port) ->
    IPType = case tuple_size(IP) of 4 -> ip4; 8 -> ip6 end,
    #{IPType => inet_parse:ntoa(IP), port => Port}.