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# Cowmachine
Webmachine for Zotonic and Cowboy
This is an adaptation of https://github.com/webmachine/webmachine for the Cowboy web server.
Cowmachine is a request handler for Cowboy.
Main differences with Basho’s Webmachine are:
* Use cowboy instead of mochiweb for the http server
* Separate dispatching
* Simplified callbacks
* Single `process/4` callback for all http methods
* Caching of some callbacks (like `modified`)
* More streaming options for returned data
* Better support for range requests
## Installation
Cowmachine is at Hex, in your `rebar.config` file use:
{deps, [
You can also use the direct Git url and use the development version:
{deps, [
{cowmachine, {git, "https://github.com/zotonic/cowmachine.git", {branch, "master"}}}
## Calling Cowmachine
Cowmachine can be called from your Cowboy middleware:
-spec execute(Req, Env) -> {ok, Req, Env} | {stop, Req}
when Req::cowboy_req:req(), Env::cowboy_middleware:env().
execute(Req, Env) ->
% Replace below with your own controller module and optionally wrap
% the request in your own request-context record or map.
EnvController = Env#{
cowmachine_controller => mycontroller
RequestContext = cowmachine_req:init_context(Req, EnvController, #{}),
% Set options for the cowmachine
Options = #{
on_request =>
fun(Ctx) ->
% Perform anything after initialization of your request
% Examples are checking special cookies, changing headers, etc.
on_welformed =>
fun(Ctx) ->
% Perform anything after well-formedness check of your request
% Examples are parsing the query args, or authentication
on_handled =>
fun(Ctx) ->
% Perform anything after processing, before sending the result.
% Handle the request, returns updated Req and Env for next Cowboy middleware
cowmachine:request(RequestContext, Options).
Or just use the default Cowmachine middleware:
middlewares => [
% ... add your dispatcher middlware
request_timeout => 60000,
env => #{
% If no dispatcher, default to `mycontroller` as the cowmachine
% controller.
cowmachine_controller => mycontroller
## Dispatching
You can use the [Zotonic Dispatch Compiler](https://github.com/zotonic/dispatch_compiler) to match your controller paths against the request.
## Controller
The controller provides the callbacks to handle the request.
The controller is an Erlang module implementing callback functions, only functions that return some non-default value need to be implemented.
For the controller callbacks and more documentation, check the [wiki pages](https://github.com/zotonic/cowmachine/wiki).
## Documentation generation
### Edoc
#### Generate public API
`rebar3 edoc`
#### Generate private API
`rebar3 as edoc_private edoc`
### ExDoc
`rebar3 ex_doc --logo doc/img/logo.png --output edoc -f html`
<!-- Badges -->
[hexpm]: https://hex.pm/packages/cowmachine
[hexpm version]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/cowmachine.svg?style=flat-curcle "Hex version"
[hexpm downloads]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/cowmachine.svg?style=flat-curcle
[hexdocs documentation]: https://img.shields.io/badge/hex-docs-purple.svg?style=flat-curcle
[hexdocs]: https://hexdocs.pm/cowmachine
[gh]: https://github.com/zotonic/cowmachine/actions/workflows/test.yaml
[gh badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/zotonic/cowmachine/Test?style=flat-curcle
[erlang version badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Supported%20Erlang%2FOTP-22.0%20to%2024.0-blue.svg?style=flat-curcle
[license]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache_2.0-blue.svg?logo=apache&logoColor=red "Apache 2.0"