# CozyAliyunOpenAPI

> An SDK builder for Aliyun OpenAPI.

This package is an SDK builder. It provides utilities to reduce the cost of creating an SDK, such as:

- building requests
- signing requests
- sending requests
- converting the XML content or JSON content in the response to a map with snake-cased keys
- ...

It doesn't provide one-to-one mapping against all available APIs provided by Aliyun OpenAPI. See the reason in [FAQ](#faq).

## Installation

Add `:cozy_aliyun_open_api` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:cozy_aliyun_open_api, version}

## Usage

For more information, see the [documentation](

## FAQ

### Why not providing one-to-one mapping against all available APIs?


- It's hard to do the mapping automatically:
  - The official API documentation isn't structured data.
  - It's hard to parse and map them to API requests.
- It's hard to do the mapping manually:
  - It's a tedius work.
  - It's error-prone.

And, in real apps, it's rare that all available APIs are required. In general, only a few API are required. So, mapping what is required is acceptable.

The simpler, the better.

## License

[Apache License 2.0](