# CozyProxy


> Proxy requests to other plugs.

## Features

- Multiple adatpers support: `Plug.Cowboy` / `Bandit`
- General plug support
- WebSocket support (requires [`Plug >= 1.14`](
- Phoenix Endpoint support (requires [`Phoenix >= 1.7`](

## Installation

Add `:cozy_proxy` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:cozy_proxy, <requirement>}

## Usage

For more information, see the [documentation](

## Thanks

This library is built on the wisdom in following code:

- [main_proxy](
- [snake_proxy](
- [master_proxy]( application inside the [acme_bank]( project from [wojtekmach](
- [master_proxy.ex]( from [Gazler](

## License

Apache License 2.0