# crabbucket_redis
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gleam add crabbucket_redis
The intention of this library is to provide a function,
`remaining_tokens_for_key(bucket, key, default_token_count)`,
which performs an atomic write in Redis and whose return value is used in
determining whether a certain action should be taken / allowed.
It is chiefly intended for use with web backends.
## Disclaimer
This library is currently in pre-release while its design and reliability are
under review.
## Usage
[The Wisp API example](./examples/wisp_api_limit_example/src/wisp_api_limit_example.gleam)
showcases how to use this library with Wisp middleware to apply rate limiting to an API.
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/crabbucket_redis>.
## Development
Unit tests run against a Valkey instance, spun up via `podman-compose`
make test