# credo-language-server


credo-language-server is an LSP implementation for Credo.

## Features

* Project wide diagnostics
* Code Actions

## Editor Support

### Neovim

### VSCode


### Helix

<summary>example configuration</summary>

Here is an example configuration for `languages.toml`

name = "elixir"
scope = "source.elixir"
injection-regex = "elixir"
file-types = ["ex", "exs"]
roots = ["mix.exs"]
auto-format = false
diagnostic-severity = "Hint"
comment-token = "#"
indent = {tab-width = 2, unit = " "}
language-servers = ["elixir-ls", "credo"]

command = "elixir-ls"
config = { elixirLS.dialyzerEnabled = true }

command = "/path/to/executable/credo-language-server"
args = ["--stdio=true", "--port=999"]



## Installation

The preferred way to use credo-language-server is through one of the supported editor extensions.

If you need to install credo-language-server on it's own, you can download the executable hosted by the GitHub release. The executable is an Elixir script that utilizes `Mix.install/2`.

## Code Actions

### Disable Check

If there is a check that you'd wish to disable, you can trigger the code action on that line to insert a magic comment to disable that check.


Built with [gen_lsp](