# CredoMox

Credo Checks to ensure correct usage of the Mox library.

Provides a Credo check that ensures tests that have imported Mox and use the `Mox.expect/4` function
are verifying those expectations. See the `CredoMox.Checks.UnverifiedMox` module for more details.

## Usage

To add the `CredoMox.Checks.UnverifiedMox` check to your Credo configuration, in your `.credo.exs` file
add the `UnverifiedMox` module to your checks and configure it to only include test files:

# ... .credo.exs
  checks: [
    ## other Credo checks...
    {CredoMox.Checks.UnverifiedMox, files: %{included: ["**/*_test.exs"]}},

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `credo_mox` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:credo_mox, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},

Docs can be found at <>.