# Credo Pure Check

A custom Credo check to verify that modules marked with `use PureModule` only depend on
other pure modules.

## Installation

### Dependency

Install the library

def deps do
    {:credo_pure_check, github: "chazsconi/credo_pure_check", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}

### Add PureModule marker

You need to define the PureModule marker somewhere in your code:
defmodule PureModule do
  @moduledoc "Marker for credo_pure_check"
  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    # No need to do anything as we just look for the `use` marker
This is not included in the library as otherwise this library and credo
(as a dependency of this library) would have to be a dependency for all
mix environments, not just `:dev` and `:test`.

You can change the name using the `pure_mod_marker` parameter.

### Add to .credo.exs

Update your `.credo.exs` to include the check. e.g.
checks: [
  {Credo.Check.Custom.PureModule, extra_pure_mods: [Ecto.Schema, Ecto.Changeset]}

## Configuration

You can add 3rd party library modules that you consider as pure using the `extra_pure_mods` parameter.

Most Elixir standard library pure functions are also included but this can be changed via the `stdlib_pure_mods`
parameter.  This list currently includes `Logger` which is not really pure, as it has side effects, but is included
for pragmatism.  `DateTime` is not included as `DateTime.utc_now()` is not a pure function.  This is a TODO (see below).

## Why is purity important?

There are various reasons why it is good to separate pure and non-pure parts of your code including:

### Testing

It is much easier to test pure functions as no mocking of collaborators is required and the results
of the test will always be deterministic

### Deterministic performance

Although separating out the pure and impure parts of the code will not alone lead to performance improvements if you have know a function is pure you know that it will not be making calls to GenServers or external resources which may be slow to respond or fail.

Additionally, gathering the input data from external dependencies or other parts of the system before calling the pure function with the business logic makes it easier to identify when multiple, potentially expensive, calls are made requesting the same data.

### Avoiding deadlocks

Being able to reason about which parts of the code are pure, makes it easier to be sure that it cannot be a source of race conditions or deadlocks (e.g. two GenServers waiting on a response from each other).


* Allow functions in modules as pure/impure e.g. `DateTime.utc_now()` - DONE
* Handle aliases added via a `use Foo` - perhaps by using postwalk
* Handle aliases with an `:as`
* Check erlang modules also work e.g. crypto library
* Handle aliases added in a parent module and referenced in a child module
* Handle imports such as `import DateTime, only [utc_now: 0]` which allow cheating the check