# CrissCross

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CrissCross allows for simple cross compilation using hex precompiled beam packages.

This does work only for projects, which don't have any further native dependencies besides the Erlang Runtime System (ERTS).

## Usage

In your `mix.exs` add the following:

def project do
    releases: releases()

def releases do
    ubuntu_14: [
      include_erts: fn -> CrissCross.ubuntu(14, "OTP-23.1.2") end
    ubuntu_16: [
      include_erts: fn -> CrissCross.ubuntu(16, "OTP-23.1.2") end

## Available OSs

* Ubuntu 14.04
* Ubuntu 16.04
* Ubuntu 18.04
* Ubuntu 20.04

## Library suggestions

* Authentication
  * `:comeonin`: use `:pbkdf2_elixir` instead of the other implementations, as 
    it doesn't have any NIF dependencies, but is implemented in pure elixir.

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## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `criss_cross` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:criss_cross, "~> 0.1.0"}

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