
Elixir macro utilities to make type-based programming easier.
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## Usage

- Add `:croma` as a mix dependency.
- Run `$ mix deps.get`.
- Add `use Croma` in your source file to import/require macros defined in croma.
- Hack!

## `Croma.Result`

- `Croma.Result.t(a)` is defined as `@type t(a) :: {:ok, a} | {:error, any}`,
  representing a result of computation that can fail.
- This data type is prevalent in Erlang and Elixir world.
  Croma makes it easier to work with `Croma.Result.t(a)` by providing utilities
  such as `get/2`, `get!/1`, `map/2`, `map_error/2`, `bind/2` and `sequence/1`.
- You can also use Haskell-like do-notation to combine results of multiple computations by `m/1` macro.
  For example,

    Croma.Result.m do
      x <- {:ok, 1}
      y <- {:ok, 2}
      pure x + y

  is converted to

    Croma.Result.bind(mx, fn x ->
      Croma.Result.bind(my, fn y ->
        Croma.Result.pure(x + y)

  and is evaluated to `{:ok, 3}`.
  (The do-notation is implemented by `Croma.Monad`.)

## `Croma.Defun` : Typespec-oriented function definition

- Annotating functions with type specifications is good but sometimes it's a bit tedious
  since one has to repeat some tokens (names of function and arguments, etc.) in `@spec` and `def`.
- `defun/2` macro provides shorthand syntax for defining function with its typespec at once.
    - Example 1

        use Croma
        defun f(a :: integer, b :: String.t) :: String.t do
          "#{a} #{b}"

      is expanded to

        @spec f(integer, String.t) :: String.t
        def f(a, b) do
          "#{a} #{b}"
    - Example 2 (multi-clause syntax)

        use Croma
        defun dumbmap(as :: [a], f :: (a -> b)) :: [b] when a: term, b: term do
          ([]     , _) -> []
          ([h | t], f) -> [f.(h) | dumbmap(t, f)]

      is expanded to

        @spec dumbmap([a], (a -> b)) :: [b] when a: term, b: term
        def dumbmap(as, f)
        def dumbmap([], _) do
        def dumbmap([h | t], f) do
          [f.(h) | dumbmap(t, f)]

- In addition to the shorthand syntax explained above, `defun` is able to generate code for runtime type checking:
    - guard: `soma_arg :: g[integer]`
    - validation with `valid?/1` of a type module (see below): `some_arg :: v[SomeType.t]`
- There are also `defunp` and `defunpt` macros for private functions.

## Type modules

- Sometimes you may want to have more fine-grained control of data types than is allowed by [Elixir's typespec](
  For example you may want to distinguish "arbitrary `String.t`" with "`String.t` that matches a specific regex".
  Croma introduces "type module"s in order to express fine-grained types and enforce type contracts at runtime, with minimal effort.
- Leveraging Elixir's lightweight syntax for defining modules
  (i.e. you can easily make multiple modules within a single source file),
  croma encourages you to define lots of small modules to organize code, especially types, in your Elixir projects.
  Croma expects that a type is defined in its dedicated module, which we call a "type module".
  This way a type can have associated functions within its type module.
- The following definitions in type modules are used by croma:
    - `@type t`
        - The type this type module represents. Used in typespecs.
    - `valid?(any) :: boolean`
        - Runtime check of whether a given value belongs to the type.
          Used by validation of arguments and return values in `defun`-family of macros.
    - `new(any) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, any}`
        - Tries to convert a given value to a value that belongs to this type.
          Useful e.g. when converting a JSON-parsed value into an Elixir value.
    - `default() :: t`
        - Default value of the module. Used as default values of struct fields.

  `@type t` is mandatory as it's the raison d'etre of a type module,
  but the others can be omitted if you don't use specific features of croma.
  And of course you can define any other functions in your type modules as you like.
- You can always define your type modules by directly implementing above functions.
  For simple type modules croma prepares some helpers for you:
    - type modules of built-in types such as `Croma.String`, `Croma.Integer`, etc.
    - helper modules such as `Croma.SubtypeOfString` to define "subtype"s of existing types
    - `Croma.Struct` for structs
    - ad-hoc module generator macros defined in `Croma.TypeGen`

### `Croma.SubtypeOf*`

- You can define your type module for "`String.t` that matches `~r/foo|bar/`" as follows
  (we use `defun` here but you can of course use `@spec` and `def` instead):

    defmodule MyString1 do
      @type t :: String.t
      defun valid?(t :: term) :: boolean do
        s when is_binary(s) -> s =~ ~r/foo|bar/
        _                   -> false

- However, as this is a common pattern, croma provides a shortcut:

    defmodule MyString2 do
      use Croma.SubtypeOfString, pattern: ~r/foo|bar/

- There are also `SubtypeOfInt`, `SubtypeOfFloat` and so on.

### `Croma.Struct`

- Defining a type module for a struct can be tedious since you have to check all fields in the struct.
- Using type modules for struct fields, `Croma.Struct` generates definition of type module for a struct.

    defmodule I do
      use Croma.SubtypeOfInt, min: 1, max: 5, default: 1

    defmodule S do
      use Croma.Struct, fields: [
        i: I,
        f: Croma.Float,

    S.valid?(%S{i: 5, f: 1.5})         # => true
    S.valid?(%S{i: "not_int", f: 1.5}) # => false

    {:ok, s} ={f: 1.5})        # => {:ok, %S{i: 1, f: 1.5}}

    # `update/2` is also generated for convenience
    S.update(s, [i: 5])                # => {:ok, %S{i: 5, f: 1.5}}
    S.update(s, %{i: 6})               # => {:error, {:invalid_value, [S, I]}}

### `Croma.TypeGen`

- Suppose you have a type module `I`.
  Then suppose you want to define a struct that have a field with type `nil | I.t`.
  Defining type modules for nilable fields introduces too much boilerplate code.
- Croma has a set of macros to define this kind of trivial type modules in-line.
  For example you can write as follows using `nilable/1`:

    defmodule S do
      use Croma.Struct, fields: [
        i: Croma.TypeGen.nilable(I),

## Notes on backward compatibility

- In `0.7.0` we separate responsibility of `validate/1` into `valid?/1` and `new/1`.
  Although older type module implementations that define `validate/1` should work as before,
  please migrate to the newer interface by replacing `validate/1` with `valid?/1` and optionally `new/1`.