# crow
Crow implements an extensible [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org/) node in
Elixir. Extensive documentation can be found on https://hexdocs.pm/crow.
Using Crow, you can set up informative graphs about your Elixir applications
quickly and easily. For instance, this is what the `CrowPlugins.BEAM.Memory`
and `CrowPlugins.BEAM.IO` plugins generate for you to view in Munin:

## Overview
Crow has an acceptor process that deals with listening to
connections on a configured port (defaulting to `4949`). On connection, a
worker is spawned that speaks the [munin master-node data exchange
The worker provides the connected peer with access to plugins, plugins are
modules that implement the `Crow.Plugin` behaviour. The
[`crow_plugins`](https://github.com/jchristgit/crow_plugins) repository contains
a couple of plugins that can be used in monitoring the BEAM itself.
## Installation
You can install `crow` by adding it to your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:crow, "~> 0.1"}
After adding Crow to your Elixir app, register the server running it in your
Munin master configuration. For instance, if you have an Elixir app with Crow
listening on port `4949`, the following configuration would suffice (assuming
you also installed a munin node):
However, it's recommended to run Crow alongside a regular Munin node, which
tends to listen on `4949` itself. Therefore, assuming you want to have
information from both your server and the app, you could use a configuration
like the following:
port 4950
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