# Crudry

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Crudry is an elixir library for DRYing CRUD of Phoenix Contexts and Absinthe Resolvers.

It also provides a simple middleware for translating changeset errors into readable messages.

Documentation can be found at [](

The changelog can be found at the [Releases page](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `crudry` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:crudry, "~> 2.1.0"},

## Usage

### Context Generation

To generate CRUD functions for a given schema in your context, simply do:

defmodule MyApp.MyContext do
  alias MyApp.Repo

  require Crudry.Context
  Crudry.Context.generate_functions MyApp.MySchema

To see the functions that are generated and custom options, refer to the [Crudry.Context docs](

### Resolver Generation

With the context all set up, the resolver is ready to be generated:

defmodule MyApp.MyResolver do
  alias MyApp.Repo

  require Crudry.Resolver
  Crudry.Resolver.generate_functions MyApp.MyContext, MyApp.MySchema

To see the functions that are generated and custom options, refer to the [Crudry.Resolver docs](

### Translate Errors middleware

Absinthe Middleware to translate errors and changeset errors into human readable messages. It support nested changeset errors and internationalization, using [Gettext](

To handle errors for a field, add it after the resolve, using [`middleware/2`](

alias Crudry.Middlewares.TranslateErrors

field :create_user, :user do
  arg :params, non_null(:user_params)

  resolve &UsersResolver.create_user/2
  middleware TranslateErrors

To handle errors for all fields, use [middleware/3](

alias Crudry.Middlewares.TranslateErrors

def middleware(middleware, _field, _object) do
  middleware ++ [TranslateErrors]

`Cudry.Translator` is used by default to translate error messages to the default locale `en`. You can also use your own Gettext module by adding it to your Absinthe's schema `context/1` function:

def context(context) do
  Map.put(context, :translator, MyAppWeb.Gettext)

Or just override the default locale in your [Context Plug](

def call(conn, _) do
  Absinthe.Plug.put_options(conn, context: %{locale: "pt_BR"})

Refer to the [TranslateErrors docs]( for more information.

## Related Projects

* [Rajska]( is an elixir authorization library for Absinthe.
* [Uploadex]( is an elixir library for handling uploads using Ecto and Arc

## License

MIT License.

See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for more information.