# Crux.Cache

Library providing Discord API struct caches for crux.

## Useful links

 - [Documentation](
 - [Github](
 - [Changelog](
 - [Umbrella Development Documentation](

## Installation

The library can be installed by adding `crux_cache` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:crux_cache, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

Small example:

# Should be part of supervision tree
iex> {:ok, pid} = Crux.Cache.Default.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.178.0>}

iex(2)> Crux.Cache.User.insert(%{
...(2)>     "avatar" => "646a356e237350bf8b8dfde15667dfc4",
...(2)>     "discriminator" => "0001",
...(2)>     "id" => "218348062828003328",
...(2)>     "username" => "space"
...(2)>   }
...(2)> )
  avatar: "646a356e237350bf8b8dfde15667dfc4",
  discriminator: "0001",
  id: 218348062828003328,
  username: "space"

iex(3)> Crux.Cache.User.fetch!(218348062828003328)
  avatar: "646a356e237350bf8b8dfde15667dfc4",
  bot: false,
  discriminator: "0001",
  id: 218348062828003328,
  username: "space"