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# CryppoEx
CryppoEx is a cryptographic library that enables you to encrypt and decrypt data.
CryppoEx combines very different ciphers under one simplified API, and a set of serialization formats.
CryppoEx is an Elixir port of [Cryppo in Ruby](https://github.com/Meeco/cryppo), [Cryppo in Dart](https://pub.dev/packages/cryppo),
and [Cryppo-js](https://github.com/Meeco/cryppo-js) used for [the Meeco platform](https://www.meeco.me/platform).
CryppoEx uses Erlang modules [crypto](https://erlang.org/doc/man/crypto.html)
and [public_key](https://erlang.org/doc/man/public_key.html) under the hood.
## Installation
Add `cryppo_ex` as a dependency in your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:cryppo_ex, "~> 0.1"}
Run `mix deps.get` to fetch CryppoEx.
## Encrypt and decrypt data using a derived key
When encrypting data with a user-generated passphrase or password, use function `Cryppo.encrypt_with_derived_key/4`.
The data will be encrypted with a cryptographically secure key that is derived from the passphrase:
encryption_strategy = "Aes256Gcm"
key_derivation_strategy = "Pbkdf2Hmac"
passphrase = "MyPassword!!"
data = "some data to encrypt"
encrypted_data = Cryppo.encrypt_with_derived_key(data, encryption_strategy, key_derivation_strategy, passphrase)
You can list all available encryption strategies with `Cryppo.encryption_strategies/0`,
and all key derivation strategies with `Cryppo.derivation_strategies/0`.
The encryption process will return a `Cryppo.EncryptedDataWithDerivedKey` struct that contains all the encryption
artefacts necessary to decrypt the encrypted data.
This structure can be serialized as a string using function `Cryppo.serialize/1`.
The serialized payload can be stored directly in a data store.
serialized = Cryppo.serialize(encrypted_data)
The serialized payload can later be loaded by using `Cryppo.load/1` and decrypted with
`Cryppo.decrypt_with_derived_key/2` and the passphrase:
{:ok, encrypted} = Cryppo.load(serialized)
{:ok, decrypted, _encryption_key} = Cryppo.decrypt_with_derived_key(encrypted, passphrase)
IO.inspect(decrypted) #=> "some data to encrypt"
## Encrypt and decrypt data using a generated cryptographic key
You can also encrypt using your own generated key using functions
the `Cryppo.generate_encryption_key/1` and `Cryppo.encrypt/3`:
encryption_strategy = "Aes256Gcm"
data = "some data to encrypt"
encryption_key = Cryppo.generate_encryption_key(encryption_strategy)
encrypted = Cryppo.encrypt(data, encryption_strategy, encryption_key)
The encryption process will return an `Cryppo.EncryptedData` struct that contains all the encryption
artefacts necessary to decrypt the encrypted data.
It is also possible to generate a key and encrypt data in one go with `Cryppo.encrypt/2`:
{encrypted_data, encryption_key} = Cryppo.encrypt(data, encryption_strategy)
`Cryppo.EncryptedData` structs can be serialized as a string using function `Cryppo.serialize/1`.
The serialized payload can be stored directly in a data store.
serialized = Cryppo.serialize(encrypted_data)
The serialized payload can later be loaded by using `Cryppo.load/1` and decrypted with
`Cryppo.decrypt/2` and the passphrase:
{:ok, encrypted} = Cryppo.load(serialized)
{:ok, decrypted} = Cryppo.decrypt(encrypted, encryption_key)
Cryppo.inspect(decrypted) #=> "some data to encrypt"
## Signing and verification
For authentication purposes, a sender can sign a message with their private key,
and a recipient can verify this signature using the sender's public key.
private_key = Cryppo.generate_encryption_key("Rsa4096")
rsa_signature = Cryppo.Rsa4096.sign("data to verify", private_key)
serialized = Cryppo.serialize(rsa_signature)
{:ok, signature} = Cryppo.load(serialized)
Cryppo.Rsa4096.verify(signature, Cryppo.Rsa4096.private_key_to_public_key(private_key)) # => true
## Encryption Strategies
### Aes256Gcm
Aes256Gcm was chosen because it provides authenticated encryption.
An error will be raised if an incorrect value, such as the encryption key, were used during decryption.
This means you can always be sure that the decrypted data is the same as the data that was originally encrypted.
## Key Derivation Strategies
### Pbkdf2Hmac
Pbkdf2Hmac generates cryptographically secure keys from potentially insecure sources such as user-generated passwords.
The derived key is cryptographically secure such that brute force attacks directly on the encrypted data is infeasible.
The amount of computational effort required to complete the operation can be tweaked.
This ensures that brute force attacks on the password encrypted data.
## Command Line Interface
CryppoEx exposes its functionality via a command line interface.
In order to use the CryppoEx CLI, you need to build an
[escript](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/master/Mix.Tasks.Escript.Build.html) executable with the following command:
MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.build
The generated executable can run on any machine that has Erlang installed and does not require Elixir to be installed.
### `cryppo genkey`
Generate a new (random) encryption key - printed as base64 encoded
cryppo genkey -s [ENCRYPTION_STRATEGY]
-s, --strategy=strategy encryption strategy (defaults to Aes256Gcm)
cryppo genkey
cryppo genkey --strategy=Aes256Gcm
### `cryppo genkeypair`
Generate a new RSA key pair, writing the private and public keys to files.
cryppo genkeypair -p [PRIVATE_KEY_FILE] -P [PUBLIC_KEY_FILE]
-p, --privateKeyOut=privateKeyOut (required) Private key output path
-P, --publicKeyOut=publicKeyOut (required) Public key output path
cryppo genkeypair -p private.pem -P public.pem
### `cryppo encrypt`
Encrypt data with a generated key
cryppo encrypt -v [DATA] -k [KEY] -s [ENCRYPTION_STRATEGY]
cryppo encrypt -v [DATA] -P [PUBLIC_KEY_FILE]
-v, --value=value (required) value to encrypt
-s, --strategy=strategy encryption strategy (defaults to Aes256Gcm)
-k, --key=key base64 encoded data encryption key
-P, --publicKeyFile=publicKeyFile public key file (if encrypting with RSA)
encrypt -v "hello world" -k vm8CjugMda2zdjsI9W25nH-CY-84DDYoBxTFLwfKLDk= -s Aes256Gcm
encrypt -v "hello world" -P public.pem
### `cryppo decrypt`
Decrypt a serialized encrypted value
cryppo decrypt -e [ENCRYPTED_DATA] -k [KEY] -s [ENCRYPTION_STRATEGY]
cryppo decrypt -e [ENCRYPTED_DATA] -p [PRIVATE_KEY_FILE]
-e, --encrypted=encrypted (required) serialized encrypted value
-s, --strategy=strategy encryption strategy (defaults to Aes256Gcm)
-k, --key=key base64 encoded data encryption key
-p, --privateKeyFile=privateKeyFile private key file (if encrypting with RSA)
cryppo decrypt -e
Z5M0FpZEpmWlE9PQphZDogbm9uZQo=" -k vm8CjugMda2zdjsI9W25nH-CY-84DDYoBxTFLwfKLDk=
cryppo decrypt -e "Rsa4096.bJjV2g_RBZKeyqBr-dSjPAc3qtkTgd0=.LS0tCnt9Cg==" -p private.pem
### `cryppo encrypt-der`
Encrypt data with a derived key
-v, --value=value (required) value to encrypt
-w, --password=password (required) password for key derivation
-s, --strategy=strategy encryption strategy (defaults to Aes256Gcm)
-d, --derivation-strategy=strategy derivation strategy (defaults to Pbkdf2Hmac)
cryppo encrypt-der -v "hello world" -w "secret phrase" -s Aes256Gcm -d Pbkdf2Hmac
cryppo encrypt-der -v "hello world" -w "secret phrase"
### `cryppo decrypt-der`
Decrypt a serialized encrypted value with a derived key
cryppo decrypt-der -e [ENCRYPTED_DATA] -p [PASSPHRASE]
-e, --encrypted=encrypted (required) serialized encrypted value
-p, --passphrase=passphrase (required) passphrase for key derivation
cryppo decrypt-der -p "secret phrase" \
-e "Aes256Gcm.e-IJT9E8ew3wlz8=.LS0tCmFkOiBub25lCmF0OiAhIWJpbmFyeSB8LQogIHpTRzQzbVhlSFBsR3ZQQVZoNTVJQUE9PQppdjogISFiaW5hcnkgfC0KICBMU2NDNmVCZ2wrUCtuUkpaCg==.Pbkdf2Hmac.LS0tCidpJzogMjEzMjIKJ2l2JzogISFiaW5hcnkgfC0KICBzTmlGT21xWEg5b1piNzRNVElCcGxvNHlHV2M9CidsJzogMzIK"
### `cryppo sign FILE DESTINATION`
Sign a file with an RSA private key and write the signed contents to a new file
FILE File to sign
DESTINATION file to write the resulting signed content to
-p, --privateKeyFile=privateKeyFile (required) path to the private key file
cryppo sign -p private.pem my_file.txt my_file.signed.txt
### `cryppo verify FILE DESTINATION`
Verify an RSA signed file and write the contents to another file.
FILE Signed file contents to verify
DESTINATION File to write the resulting verified content to
-P, --publicKeyFile=publicKeyFile (required) path to the public key file
cryppo verify -P public.pem my_file.signed.txt my_file.txt