# CryptopiaApi [![Hex pm](]( [![ downloads](](

Cryptopia Crypto currency exchange API.

[Public API](

[Private API](

List of methods for module in [documentation](

## Installation

First add `cryptopia_api` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
    {:cryptopia_api, "~> 0.1.0"}

and run `$ mix deps.get`. Then add `:cryptopia_api` to your applications list.

def application do
  [applications: [:cryptopia_api]]

## Configuration

For Pulic API only no configuration is required.

But for Private API you have to configure application:

Add this lines to you application `config.exs`:

use Mix.Config

config :cryptopia_api, api_key: "you-api-key-here"
config :cryptopia_api, secret_key: "your-secret-key-here"

## Timeout option
Library supports special `:request_timeout` option. 
It iwll set defaul timeout for reply from cryptopia api. 
By default it set to **8 seconds**

You could change it using your application `config.exs`:

use Mix.Config

config :cryptopia_api, request_timeout: 10_000

this option will be applied to all requests

## Usage

iex(1)> CryptopiaApi.Public.get_market("ACC_BTC")
 %{AskPrice: 4.263e-5, BaseVolume: 0.68372883, BidPrice: 4.021e-5,
   BuyBaseVolume: 1.26308814, BuyVolume: 941758.73640983, Change: 35.97,
   Close: 4.007e-5, High: 4.809e-5, Label: "ACC/BTC", LastPrice: 4.007e-5,
   Low: 2.402e-5, Open: 2.947e-5, SellBaseVolume: 41.79914411,
   SellVolume: 67079.729386, TradePairId: 5331, Volume: 20217.2373583}}

iex(2)> CryptopiaApi.Public.get_market("ACC_BTC", 24)
 %{AskPrice: 4.263e-5, BaseVolume: 0.68367683, BidPrice: 4.022e-5,
   BuyBaseVolume: 1.28937411, BuyVolume: 942412.29131635, Change: 52.36,
   Close: 4.007e-5, High: 4.809e-5, Label: "ACC/BTC", LastPrice: 4.007e-5,
   Low: 2.402e-5, Open: 2.63e-5, SellBaseVolume: 41.79914411,
   SellVolume: 67079.729386, TradePairId: 5331, Volume: 20215.47258623}}

## License

    Copyright © 2017 Konstantin Zolotarev

    This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.