A small pre-processing extension language for CSS written in Elixir.
Its main purpose is to provide a native Elixir pre-processor for CSS, in the vein of Sass/Scss.
<div align="center">
<a href="#syntax">Syntax</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#caveats">Caveats</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#installation">Installation</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#usage">Usage</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#tasks">Tasks</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#dynamic">Dynamic/RunTime parsing</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#internals">Internals</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#about">About</a><span> |</span>
<a href="#copyright">Copyright</a>
<div id="syntax"></div>
### Syntax:
<li><a href="#selectors">Selectors</a></li>
<li><a href="#variables">Variables</a></li>
<li><a href="#assigns">Assigns</a></li>
<li><a href="#expandable_apply">@expandable & @apply</a></li>
<li><a href="#functions">Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#implemented_functions">Implemented Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#eex">EEx Blocks</a></li>
<li><a href="#at-rules">@at-rules</a></li>
<li><a href="#comments">Comments</a></li>
<li><a href="#reserved">Reserved Tokens</a></li>
<div id="selectors"></div>
### Nested selectors and '&' concatenation
button {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
padding: 5px;
.class_1 {
color: yellow;
svg&, .child {
fill: red;
&.concatenated_class {
padding: 10px;
@media screen and (max-width: 756px) {
font-size: 24px;
@media and (min-width: 500px) {
font-weight: 300;
##### into
button { background-color: blue; color: white; padding: 5px }
button .class_1 { color: yellow }
button svg.class_1, button .class_1.child { fill: red }
button.concatenated_class { padding: 10px }
@media screen and (max-width: 756px) { button { font-size: 24px } }
@media screen and (max-width: 756px) and (min-width: 500px) { button { font-weight: 300 } }
The `&` operator can only be used inside a block and either at the start or end of each selector (or if single inside a `:not(&)`, or `:is(&)`).
If it's at the start it will append that selector to the parent, unless it's a tag selector (`p`, `canvas`, `your-custom-element`, etc) in which case it will prepend itself, and raise an error if you're trying to do so with a parent tag.
If it's at the end then the selector becomes the parent of it's parent.
div, section {
&.concat, .parent& {
.inner { color: blue; }
&.inner-concat { color: red; }
div.concat .inner,
.parent div .inner,
section.concat .inner,
.parent section .inner {
.parent.inner-concat div,
.parent.inner-concat section {
Bare selectors inside blocks create regular selection chains.
`@media` declarations can be nested as well but as of now there's no semantic checks done, which means that if you write something non-sensical it will be placed as is.
<div id="variables"></div>
### Variables
$!a_variable red;
$!another_variable 12;
div {
color: <$a_variable$>;
font-size: <$another_variable$>px;
##### into
div {
color: red;
font-size: 12px;
### Variables that create CSS variables on declaration
$*!primary red;
div { color: <$primary$>; }
##### into
:root {
--primary: red;
div { color: red; }
### Scoped Variables by file and set only if undefined variables
##### file_1.cssex
$!scope_variable_1 20px;
$!scope_variable_2 blue;
div { font-size: <$scope_variable_1$>; }
@include file_2.cssex;
#main {
font-size: <$scope_variable_1$>;
color: <$scope_variable_2$>;
##### file_2.cssex
$()scope_variable_1 16px;
$!scope_variable_2 red;
.something {
font-size: <$scope_variable_1$>;
color: <$scope_variable_2$>;
@include file_3.cssex;
##### file_3.cssex
$?scope_variable_1 12px;
$?scope_variable_2 green;
.something-2 {
font-size: <$scope_variable_1$>;
color: <$scope_variable_2$>;
##### into
div { font-size: 20px; }
#main {
font-size: 20px;
color: red;
.something {
font-size: 16px;
color: red;
.something-2 {
font-size: 20px;
color: red;
Variables are literal values that can be used throughout a spreadsheet. They're inserted in place using the interpolation markers, `<$ variable_name $>`, or `$::variable_name`.
The declaration form is:
`$!name_of_variable literal_value;`
`literal_value` shouldn't be surround by quotes unless you want the quotes to be part of the value. It must always end with semi-colon followed by newline.
Using variables with `@include`'s directives allow one to share or create values that are overridable or specific to a stylesheet/include.
When a stylesheet declares an `@include` the current variables in scope will be made available on the child.
Child files (the one's `@include`d) can override the parent's variable value (after the child has been processed) if they declare them with `$!`,
You can otherwise limit this by declaring them with:
`$()` which scopes the variable locally so they do not become available to the parent afterwards, and you can also conditionally set them with:
`$?` which only sets them for the file if it isn't set in its scope yet. This allows you to create customisable themes, in that you can have a file(s) that specifies all colors, sizes and others, and then make the theme "components", set their needed values with `$?` which will populate those for the scope only if they haven't been declared previously, or override them in an included stylesheet with `$()`
You can also declare a variable with `$*!`, that does all the same but sets as well a CSS variable on the root element, with the same name as the variable declared, prefixed with `--`.
If you referr to a variable that hasn't been declared or not in scope you'll get an error.
<div id="assigns"></div>
### Assigns
Assigns are the equivalent of variables but for Elixir values and they have the same options and scoping as that of variables, but instead of being declared with `$!`, `$()` and `$?`, they're declared with `@!`, `@()` and `@?`.
Variables are available inside EEx blocks or when calling functions. Since they can hold any elixir term they're great to create basic iterable structures to generate CSS based on repetition or iteration.
@!colors %{
primary: "red",
secondary: "rgb(120, 255, 80)"
<%= for {color, val} <- @colors, reduce: "" do
acc ->
acc <> """
$*!#{color} #{val};
.btn-#{color} {
background-color: #{val};
end %>
.root {
--primary: red;
--secondary: rgb(120, 255, 80)
.btn-primary { background-color: red }
.btn-secondary { background-color: rgb(120, 255, 80) }
(while also creating both the `primary` and `secondary` variables that are accessible through the remaining spreadsheet and `@include`d children.
Inside EEx blocks they can be referred to with Elixir's `@assign_name` notation. When passing them to function as arguments they can be passed in as `@::assign_name`
So `@fn::name_of_function(@::colors)` would call that function with the argument being translated to the Elixir value of that variable.
As literal variables it will error if they're used without having been declared before or not available in scope.
The declaration form is:
`@!name_of_variable {:tuple, %{elixir: "map"}};`
It has to be terminated with semicolon followed by newline.
<div id="expandable_apply"></div>
### @expandable & @apply
Expandables allow you to define utility classes that can be used inside any selector to add attributes & or selectors. It allows for then `@apply`ing those blocks in different ways. You can force the `@apply` to be exactly as it was resolved when declared and keep the selector hierarchies there defined in reference to the `@expandable` selector, you can use it to be dynamically evaluated, or to apply its hierarchies in the new context while using any variable interpolation as it occurred when defining. It might sound confusing but with an example is easier to see
$!color red;
@expandable .hoverable {
color: <$color$>;
&:hover {
color: @fn::darken(<$color$>, 10);
container& {
background-color: black;
.class-1 {
@apply hoverable;
$!color blue;
.class-2 {
@apply !hoverable;
.class-3 {
@apply ?hoverable;
.class-4 {
@apply hoverable;
##### into
.hoverable {
.hoverable:hover {
container .hoverable {
.class-1 {
.class-1:hover {
container .class-1 {
.class-2 {
.class-2 .hoverable:hover {
.class-2 container .hoverable {
.class-3 {
.class-3:hover {
container .class-3 {
.class-4 {
.class-4:hover {
container .class-4 {
As you can see, we had a variable `$!color` declared with the value `red`.
Then we declared an `@expandable` block for the selector `.hoverable`, where we used interpolation for `color`, and had nesting selectors, one of which calling a function again with an interpolated value.
That is the top level declarations that came on top of the stylesheet:
.hoverable {
.hoverable:hover {
container .hoverable {
Then we declared a `.class-1` selector and applied the `hoverable` element we declared as `@expandable` before inside it (notice we don't use the `.` before its name).
What this did was apply all the contents of that expandable element inside `.class-1`. You can see that the nesting `&` where applied to `.class-1`:
.class-1 {
.class-1:hover {
container .class-1 {
Then we overwrote the `color` variable with the value `blue`.
On `.class-2` we did the same as in `.class-1` but this time we prepended the name with `!`. This forces the expandable element to be inserted with the interpolation it had when evaluated originally and also with the nesting referring to the original `.hoverable` selector:
.class-2 {
.class-2 .hoverable:hover {
.class-2 container .hoverable {
On `.class-3` we did the same, but now prepended the expandable identifier with `?`. This made it be dynamically evaluated, both interpolation and nesting. You can see the color being blue and the result of `@fn::darken` being blue as well:
.class-3 {
.class-3:hover {
container .class-3 {
Lastly we did the same original non-prefix `@apply` in `.class-4` and in this case, the value of the variables used were the ones set at declaration time, `red`, but the nesting was still applied in terms of the current selector:
.class-4 {
.class-4:hover {
container .class-4 {
You can also string together several elements to expand in a single `@apply`, with different evaluation scopes as well. The order of declaration is the order the attributes will be set.
`@apply one-expandable ?another-expandable !a-different-one;`
`@expandable` declarations specify a **single** class selector (e.g. `.class`) followed by a block `{ ... }`.
The `@expandable` directives are placed in order of declaration at the top of the final stylesheet as individual selectors, but you can declare them from any file or part of the file as long as it's not inside a block, they must always be declared on a top level.
The only exception on their final placement is when using `@media` selectors inside `@expandable`. In those cases normal rules will go to the top but the media parts will be placed alongside the other media statements.
The `@apply` directive takes a list of white-space separated tokens, where each token refers to a previously declared `@expandable` block. You should not use the `.` of the original class to refer to them. You can additionally define their expansion mode with `?` (all elements dynamically evaluated) or `!` (as a static block as evaluated when declared). The default without prefix is a mix of both, variables with the values at the time of declaration and nesting dynamically evaluated inside the context of the block the `@apply` is declared in.
Keep note that `<$ ... $>` interpolation is the only consistent form of interpolation. If you use, for instance in `@fn::...` call the form `$::color`, this will always be dynamically evaluated. EEx blocks follow the same pattern, if you want them to be expanded as they resolved at declaration you need to use the `!` prefix when `@apply`ing.
Note that you can also declare `@media` attributes inside `@expandables` and nest them as well. Most times you'll want to use normal applying or `?`.
<div id="functions"></>
### Functions
@fn lighten_test(color, percentage) ->
{:ok, %CSSEx.HSLA{l: %CSSEx.Unit{value: l} = l_unit} = hsla} =
{percentage, _} = Float.parse(percentage)
new_l =
case l + percentage do
n_l when n_l <= 100 and n_l >= 0 -> n_l
n_l when n_l > 100 -> 100
n_l when n_l < 0 -> 0
%CSSEx.HSLA{hsla | l: %CSSEx.Unit{l_unit | value: new_l}}
|> to_string
$!red red;
.test{color: @fn::lighten_test(<$red$>, 10)}
.test{color: @fn::lighten_test(#fdf, 10);}
##### into
.test {
color: hsla(0,100%,60%,1.0);
color: hsla(300,7%,15%,1.0);
Functions can execute any code, and can receive an arbitrary block of content, that is made available in its body as a variable named, `ctx_content`. They need to evaluate to either `{:ok, binary | iodata}` or `binary | iodata`. You do not have access to functions, assigns, or variables inside functions, but you can pass them as arguments. The returned binary is also parsed before being inserted so you can also make use of them on the returned result.
Inside a function you can call any Elixir code.
A function declaration has the following form:
@fn name_of_function(args, list) ->
`@fn` followed by the name and argument list followed by `->`. It must be terminated with `end`, semicolon followed by newline.
And a function call for that function would be `@fn::name_of_function(red, #ffffff)`.
Every function can take a last optional parent that is made available in the body of the function as `ctx_content`. In this case the call would be:
@fn::name_of_function(red, #ffffff,
.content-made-available {
&p.inside-name-of-function { color: blue; }
When successfully called the result of evaluating it replaces the function call in the stylesheet and is parsed as if it was normal cssex code. This means that if a function returns content that includes function calls, or interpolation, or declare variables, all those things are evaluated once it returns.
@fn enforce_size(what, size) ->
"#{what}: #{size};" <>
"min-#{what}: #{size};" <>
"max-#{what}: #{size};"
@fn enforce_wh(width, height) ->
@fn::enforce_size(width, #{width})
@fn::enforce_size(height, #{height})
@fn enforce_square(size) ->
@fn::enforce_size(width, #{size})
@fn::enforce_size(height, #{size})
@fn enforce_circle(size) ->
border-radius: 50%;
@fn my_squarer(element) ->
#{element} {
And then using for instance:
.section {
@fn::my_squarer(&.inner, color: red;)
Results in:
Functions declared in a stylesheet (even `@included` children!) become available from then on. Further declarations of the same function name will override the previous one from then on.
<div id="implemented_functions"></>
### Implemented Functions
There's 3 basic functions that ship with CSSEx and that you can use:
- `@fn::lighten(color_to_lighten, percentage)`
Use as `@fn::lighten(blue, 10)`
- `@fn::darken(color_to_darken, percentage)`
Use as `@fn::darken(blue, 10)`
- `@fn::opacity(color, 0_to_1)`
Use as `@fn::opacity(blue, 0.2)`
Notice they don't take units, and opacity needs a well formed float, e.g. 0.4.
<div id="eex"></>
### EEx blocks
@!breakpoints [
sm: {"0px", "14px"},
md: {"768px", "16px"},
lg: {"992px", "18px"},
xl: {"1200px", "20px"},
xxl: {"1440px", "20px"},
<%= for {breakpoint, {_size, val}} <- @breakpoints, reduce: "" do
acc ->
acc <> """
.#{breakpoint}-section-title {
font-size: #{val};
end %>
##### into
.sm-section-title { font-size: 14px }
.md-section-title { font-size: 16px }
.lg-section-title { font-size: 18px }
// ... etc
An EEx block has to evaluate to either a binary (a string) or an iodata list. It's declared as Elixir blocks but always with the opening tag including the equal sign: `<%=`.
Inside EEx blocks you can use assigns with `@name_of_assign` syntax.
Right now you do not have access to either cssex variables or functions declared in the stylesheet but, again, the result of evaluating the block can contain any valid cssex construct which will be parsed afterwards in the context of the stylesheet as regular cssex before moving on to the remaining stylesheet.
<div id="at-rules"></div>
### @at-rules (@media, @supports, @page, @font-face, @keyframes)
For `@media`, `@supports` and `@page` they can be declared inside blocks and can have declarations nested inside them as well. Notice that there's no semantic evaluation of the selectors defined on the `@at-rule` so if you nest them in a way that adds to an impossible to satisfy selector it will be placed as is.
#### example
.test {
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
div.example {
display: none;
font-family: Arial;
color: red;
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.test { background-color: black; }
##### into
.test {
@media screen and (max-width:600px) {
.test div.example {
.test {
Nesting requires you to only declare the part that is to be added to the parent declarator:
@media screen {
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
div {
color: red;
##### into
@media screen screen and (max-width:600px) {
Which is wrong of course. The nested media should have been declared with `@media and (max-width: 600px)`.
These same rules apply to `@supports` and `@page`.
For `@keyframes` the identifier after the `@keyframes` is used to identify it so any declarations for the same identifier will be coalesced into the same one.
`@font-face` declarations each creates its own one in the final stylesheet.
<div id="comments"></>
### Comments
// you can use comments in both of these forms, all text will be stripped out
/* some
other {
.commented-out part {
<div id="reserved"></div>
### Reserved Tokens
Using any of these outside of the syntax shown before can lead to errors:
<% ....
<$ ....
/* ....
<div id="caveats"></div>
### Caveats
CSSEx does merging of selector declarations when they've been exactly specified (or resolved to) as the same.
For instance
div { color: green; }
.sample { color: red; }
@include ../shared/samples.cssex;
And `../shared/samples.cssex`:
$()tag div
<$tag$> { background-color: white; color: orange; }
The final output will always have `div` declared first, and duplicate attributes will hold the value according to their declaration order. Since the last evaluated `div` selector set the color to `orange` that's the color that the final stylesheet will hold:
div {background-color: white, color: orange }
.sample { color: red }
Instead of
div { color: green; }
.sample { color: red; }
div { background-color: white, color: orange }
This means it can condense the final output, and also that it's ok to `@apply` multiple `@expandable` classes to an element as any repeated attributes are just replaced, or define selectors with repeated attributes in different places as they coalesce into a single representations.
If you want multiple declarations to not be merged right now the only possibility is to have different entry points that produce plain css files and use them with regular `@import` rules on a final css.
The final output always follows this format:
**:root { variables }**
**all regular selectors and their rules**
<div id="installation"></div>
## Installation
This is an early release of this library, it's available in [hex.pm](https://hex.pm).
Its initial release in a smaller version than 1.0 is just meant to signal that there might be some little details (line/col information on errors, etc) that might not be 100% accurate although there aren't intended breaking changes in the roadmap.
It's fully functioning, has a relevant test suite and has been used to generate a smallish CSS framework that you can see in [simples](lib/test/files/includes/simples/simples.cssex) without problems. It has been tested as a standalone, in umbrellas and with webpack, on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, using `inotify-tools` as the file watcher, it should work with any other setup.
The only dependency is on `file_system` for the file watcher.
It's been used while developing and the tasks have been tested for deployment on [render.com](https://render.com) as part of the build script when assembling a release.
To install from `hex.pm` use:
defp deps do
{:cssex, "~> 1.0"}
<div id="usage"></div>
## Usage
If you want to use other folder than priv you need to use an expandable path, e.g. the phoenix assets folder, you can do it by using, for instance in this case for an umbrella with a phoenix app:
config :yourapp_web, CSSEx,
entry_points: [
"../../../../apps/yourapp_web/assets/cssex/app.cssex", ### entry
"../../../../apps/yourapp_web/assets/css/app.css" ### output
You can also configure CSSEx to pretty print the css, with `pretty_print?: true` on the config.
This is usually the case if you want to integrate with Webpack, or esbuild, this will output the resulting css file and webpack/esbuild can just then use `app.css` as regularly.
You can specify as many entry points as wanted.
If you are using the priv folder directly you can simply use it as:
config :yourapp_web, CSSEx,
entry_points: [{"priv/static/cssex/base.cssex", "priv/static/css/base.css"}]
#### Adding the file watcher to your application supervision tree.
Finally add to your `yourapp_web` application file (marked with `# add this`):
defmodule YourAppWeb.Application do
@moduledoc false
@env Mix.env() # add this
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
] |> maybe_add_cssex() # add this
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: YourAppWeb.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
# ... other code
# add this
def maybe_add_cssex(children) do
case @env do
:prod ->
_ ->
children ++
Supervisor.child_spec(%{id: CSSEx, start: {CSSEx, :start_link, [cssex_config()]}},
type: :worker
def cssex_config() do
Application.get_env(:yourapp_web, CSSEx)
|> CSSEx.make_config(Application.app_dir(:yourapp_web))
This will define an entry point file of `priv/static/cssex/base.cssex` which will output its parsed content into `priv/static/css/base.css`.
In this case you'll need to create the folder and cssex file as well. It will log errors if the file doesn't exist.
Now whenever you change something in the entry point or any of the files it depends on (`@include`) it will automatically recompile.
The reason we use `@env Mix.env()` is so that we don't actually add CSSEx as an application to start when running in production.
#### Production assets
If you wish to process and generate the files during assembling of a release add a simple mix task to your build script:
`mix cssex.parser --c yourapp_web`
Place this before the `npm run deploy` or any script you use to bundle your js/css and/or before `mix phx.digest`.
And this will use the same environment.
<div id="tasks"></div>
## Tasks
Besides the automatic file watcher for development purposes it's also included a task for processing cssex files into css files.
You can read [cssex.parser task](https://github.com/mnussbaumer/cssex/lib/mix/tasks/css.parser.ex) for other details.
The base syntax is:
# if using entry points defined in a config similar to the watcher
mix cssex.parser --c yourapp_web
# if using manual entry points
mix cssex.parser --e path/to/file.cssex=path/to/output.css
<div id="dynamic"></div>
## Dynamic/RunTime parsing
You can parse a file or a string of CSS syntax by using directly the functions in CSSEx.Parser. For instance, to parse a file you can use:
`CSSEx.Parser.parse_file("/base/path", "/base/path/file.css")`
You need to pass both the folder path and the file path independently.
You can also pass `pretty_print?` option by using `CSSEx.Parser.parse_file("/base/path", "/base/path/file.css", pretty_print?: true)`
If you want to write directly to a file call it instead as:
`CSSEx.Parser.parse_file("/base/path", "/base/path/file.css", "/output/path.css", pretty_print?: true)`
You can do the same to parse directly a string containing CSS syntax:
`CSSEx.Parser.parse("div{color:white;}", pretty_print?: true)`
Again, refer to the parser file to see the syntax details.
<div id="internals"></div>
## Internals
Right now the library is mostly for use as regular pre-processor with a syntax that aids in building re-usable themes but it's been designed up 'till now to be expandable and to accomodate more use cases, such as dynamically feeding assigns, variables, functions, to templates, producing tables of css selectors and other details for post-processing, and generating on the fly CSS.
None of this is yet implemented in the form of a consistent api nor totally defined, but if you have a use case for any of those open an issue to discuss.
Other than that check the parser.ex to see how you can start an individual parser that can write to a file or return a binary with the result of the parsing.
## About

[© rooster image in the cocktail logo](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:LadyofHats)
<div id="copyright"></div>
## Copyright
Copyright [2021-∞] [Micael Nussbaumer]
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
or substantial portions of the Software.