# CSV [](https://travis-ci.org/beatrichartz/csv) [](http://inch-ci.org/github/beatrichartz/csv)
[RFC 4180](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180) compliant CSV parsing and encoding for Elixir. Allows to specify other separators, so it could also be named: TSV. Why it is not idk, because of defaults I think.
## Why do we want it?
It parses files which contain lines separated by either commas or other separators.
If that's not enough reason to absolutely :heart: :green_heart: :two_hearts: :heart: :revolving_hearts: :sparkling_heart: it, it also parses a CSV file in order about 1.3x times as fast as a normal stream based implementation, and if you don't care about the order of rows in your stream, it can deliver about 3x - 4x the speeds depending on your hardware. :rocket:
`CSV` does not care about order by default, which makes it blazing fast while hogging down your CPU. Pass `num_pipes: 1` to make it process rows in order they're given in the file, and make it use less of your available processing power.
## When do we want it?
## Great! How do I use it right now?
Do this to decode:
File.stream!("data.csv") |> CSV.decode
And you'll get a stream of rows. So, this is upcasing the text in each cell of a tab separated file because someone is angry:
File.stream!("data.csv") |>
CSV.decode(separator: "\t") |>
Enum.map fn row ->
Enum.each(row, &String.upcase/1)
Do this to encode a table (two-dimensional array):
table_data |> CSV.encode
And you'll get a stream of lines ready to be written to an IO.
So, this is writing to a file:
file = File.open!("test.csv")
table_data |> CSV.encode |> Enum.each(&IO.write(file, &1))
## I have this file, but it's tab-separated :interrobang:
Pass in another separator to the decoder:
File.stream!("data.csv") |> CSV.decode(separator: "\t")
If you want to take revenge on whoever did this to you, encode with semicolons like this:
your_data |> CSV.encode(separator: ";")
## Polymorphic encoding
Make sure your data gets encoded the way you want - implement the `CSV.Encode` protocol for whatever strange you wish to encode:
defimpl CSV.Encode for: MyData do
def encode(%MyData{has: fun}, env \\ [])
"so much #{fun}" |> CSV.Encode.encode(env)
Or similar.
There is more to know about everything :tm: - [Check the doc](http://hexdocs.pm/csv/)
## License
## Weather
## Mood
## Contributions & Bugfixes are most welcome!