# Cure
A small library that interfaces Elixir-code with C/C++ programs using Erlang/Elixir Ports. Provides Mix tasks to kickstart the development process.
## Example
The following example loads a program called "program" which is located in the ./c_src/ directory.
# Open the Port to the C/C++ program:
{:ok, server_pid} = Cure.load "./c_src/program"
# Sending and receiving data:
# Option 1 (synchronous):
data = server_pid |> Cure.send_data("Testing 1, 2, 3!", :sync)
# Option 2 (asynchronous):
server_pid |> Cure.send_data(<<1, 2, 3, 4>>, fn(data) ->
# Process the received data here.
IO.inspect data
# Option 3 (asynchronous):
server_pid |> Cure.send_data("More data!")
receive do
{:cure_data, data} ->
# Process the received data here.
IO.inspect data
# Close the program:
server_pid |> Cure.stop
By default, Cure starts a supervisor which supervises all of its children (a child in this case is a GenServer that communicates with a C-program). A child is added to the supervision tree with Cure.load(program_name). If you don't want this behaviour, you can also directly start a server with one of the following lines of code:
# Option 1:
{:ok, server_pid} = Cure.Server.start_link "program_name"
# Option 2:
{:ok, server_pid} = Cure.Server.start "program_name"
If you want to use a Port directly, you can use the following functions
(currently only supports synchronous communication):
port = Cure.Port.load("program_name")
result = port |> Cure.Port.send_data("123456789")
port |> Cure.Port.close
Examples that use Cure can be found at the following links:
- [Subtitlex](https://github.com/Primordus/Subtitlex)
- [ExDSP](https://github.com/Primordus/ExDSP)
## Getting started
### Add the Cure dependency to your mix.exs file:
def deps do
[{:cure, "~> 0.3.4"}]
### Fetch & compile dependencies
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
### Start developing in C/C++
- Generate the necessary base files to communicate between C/C++ and Elixir:
mix cure.bootstrap
- Compile your C/C++ code (needed after each modification of your code)
mix compile.cure
- If you have dependencies that also use Cure:
mix compile.cure.deps
Another option is to add the last 2 tasks to your mix.exs to compile all code
automatically when you type mix.compile:
def project do
compilers: Mix.compilers ++ [:cure, :"cure.deps"],
## C/C++ code
C/C++ code is currently placed in the c_src directory of your application.
It can interface with Elixir-code based on 2 important functions:
1. read_msg to read data coming from Elixir;
2. send_msg to send data to Elixir.
- These helper-functions interface with Elixir by sending/receiving data via stdin or stdout. (Right now it's only possible to send messages up to 64KiB.)
- To be able to use the send and receive functions, you need to add the following include:
#include <elixir_comm.h>
- The code for these functions is mostly based on the following [link](http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_port.html#id57564).
## Makefile
The command "mix cure.bootstrap" generates a basic Makefile (in ./c_src/) that handles the compilation of all your C-code. This file is only generated if it doesn't exist yet so it's safe to add modifications for when your C-files need extra includes to compile properly.
The command "mix cure.make" uses the Makefile to compile all your C/C++ code.
## More information regarding Ports
- [Erlang documentation](http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_port.html)
- [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/Port.html)