# CurrencyFormatter
This package offers an Elixir function to format a number to a currency using ISO standards.
The JSON iso data has been gracefully borrowed from the [ruby money](https://github.com/RubyMoney/money/blob/master/config/currency_iso.json) gem.
## Examples :
iex> CurrencyFormatter.format(123456)
iex> CurrencyFormatter.format(654321, :eur)
iex> CurrencyFormatter.format(654321, "AUD")
iex> CurrencyFormatter.instructions(:EUR)
%{"alternate_symbols" => [], "decimal_mark" => ",", "html_entity" => "€",
"iso_code" => "EUR", "iso_numeric" => "978", "name" => "Euro", "priority" => 2,
"smallest_denomination" => 1, "subunit" => "Cent", "subunit_to_unit" => 100,
"symbol" => "€", "symbol_first" => true, "thousands_separator" => "."}
iex> currencies = CurrencyFormatter.get_currencies()
iex> Enum.count(currencies)
iex> currencies["usd"]
%{"alternate_symbols" => ["US$"], "decimal_mark" => ".", "html_entity" => "$",
"iso_code" => "USD", "iso_numeric" => "840", "name" => "United States Dollar",
"priority" => 1, "smallest_denomination" => 1, "subunit" => "Cent",
"subunit_to_unit" => 100, "symbol" => "$", "symbol_first" => true,
"thousands_separator" => ","}
## Installation
As this is [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add currency_formatter to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:currency_formatter, "~> 0.0.1"}]
## Documentation
API documentation is available at [https://hexdocs.pm/currency_formatter](https://hexdocs.pm/currency_formatter)