# CustomBase
CustomBase allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.
## Installation
Add `{ :custom_base, "~> 0.2" }` to `deps` function in your `mix.exs` file.
After you are done, run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch and compile CustomBase.
## Example
Lets make `Base12` module with conversion described below.
| Value | Encoding |
| 0| 0|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 3|
| 4| 4|
| 5| 5|
| 6| 6|
| 7| 7|
| 8| 8|
| 9| 9|
| 10| A|
| 11| B|
Add macro to your module:
defmodule Base12 do
use CustomBase, '0123456789AB'
Now your module have 2 functions `encode/1` and `decode/1`:
iex> Base12.encode(9)
iex> Base12.encode(10)
iex> Base12.encode(11)
iex> Base12.encode(12)
iex> Base12.decode("16")
iex> Base12.decode("AB")
## Specs & Docs
All specs included by this library, if you want to provide your documentation,
add it after `use` call, like this:
defmodule Base12 do
use CustomBase, '0123456789AB'
@moduledoc """
Your module docs.
@doc """
Documentation for encode/1.
def encode(integer)
@doc """
Documentation for decode/1.
def decode(binary)
@doc """
Documentation for decode!/1.
def decode!(binary)
## [License](https://github.com/igas/custom_base/blob/master/LICENSE)
Released under the MIT License.