# D2lvalenceElixir - Desire2Learn Client Library for Elixir
Elixir implementation of d2lvalence to connecto to the Desire2Learn's Valence API.
Based on [Desire2Learn Client Library for Python](https://github.com/Brightspace/valence-sdk-python)
Works with the [Brightspace Api Rest](https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/reference.html)
**Auth:** The D2lvalenceElixir.Auth module provides assistance for the authentication needed to invoke Valence APIs. You use the module's functiones to create a %D2lvalenceElixir.Auth.D2LUserContext{} struct that you can then employ as an authentication helper.
**Service:** The D2lvalenceElixir.Utils.Service module provides many functions to call the Brightspace API Rest according to their documentation.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `d2lvalence_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:d2lvalence_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Documentation
## Use
### Authentication
defmodule D2lvalenceElixir.Examples.SimpleAuthentication do
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Auth.D2LAppContext
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Auth.D2LUserContext
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Auth.D2LUserContextSimple
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Auth
def get_url_to_authenticate(app_id, app_key) do
# You recieve the app_id and the app_key and then use the host
# of your Brightspace instance, the callback and True for SSL (https).
# You send the result URL to the user so he can authenticate and then
# you recieve the user_key and user_id in the callback url.
Auth.fashion_app_context(app_id: app_id, app_key: app_key)
|> D2LAppContext.create_url_for_authentication(
def auth_token_handler(result_url, app_id, app_key) do
# You take the full result url (including https://yourfancyapp:8080/callback) requested after login and then generates the
# user_context than helps your application with all the authenticated requests to de Brightspace API
{:ok, full_user_context = %D2LUserContext{}} =
Auth.fashion_app_context(app_id: app_id, app_key: app_key)
|> D2LAppContext.create_user_context(
result_uri: result_url,
host: "bloqueneon.uniandes.edu.co",
encrypt_requests: true
# {full_user_context, simple_user_context}. I recommend to store the simple_user_context on the session
# for security purposes (You must NOT share the app_id and app_key with the user)
{full_user_context, full_user_context |> D2LUserContext.get_simple_user_context()}
def get_full_user_context(%D2LUserContextSimple{} = simple_user_context, app_id, app_key) do
# If you only stores the D2LUserContextSimple, you have to generate the full_user_context to
# make authenticated requests to the Brightspace API
{:ok, %D2LUserContext{} = full_user_context} =
Auth.fashion_app_context(app_id: app_id, app_key: app_key)
|> D2LUserContext.get_full_user_context(simple_user_context)
### Simple calls
defmodule D2lvalenceElixir.Examples.SimpleApiCalls do
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Auth.D2LUserContext
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Utils.Service
alias D2lvalenceElixir.Data.WhoAmIUser
def serializers do
# To encode and decode the requests, you could need some serializers.
# This function creates the map with the serializers you need.
# You need an application/json at least.
|> Map.put("application/json", Jason)
def whoami_api_call(%D2LUserContext{} = user_context) do
# With the user_context (full_user_context, not simple) you call the whoami
# You have to send the serializers, at least an application/json to decode the result
# I use this version because it works on my university
# The WhoAmI call shows who is the authenticated with the user_context
{:ok, user = %WhoAmIUser{}} =
|> Service.get_whoami(serializers: serializers(), ver: "1.23")
def get_all_versions_api_call(%D2LUserContext{} = user_context) do
# With the user context, shows the information of all the products of the Brightspace instance
{:ok, products_information} =
|> Service.get_all_versions(serializers: serializers(), ver: "1.23")